Chapter 1

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"Can't you walk any faster?" I questioned as Amanda limped slowly toward my direction, the annoyance clear in my voice.

"It's not my fault. There are too many potholes in this part of town that I broke my heel!" She whined as she finally reached me.

"Just stop fucking whining and get in the damn restaurant." I pinched the bridge of my nose frustratingly.

"You call this a restaurant?" She murmured as she continued to limp into the diner.

Once she was out of sight, I tiredly ran my hand down my face.

That woman.

I hate to be so disrespectful to women but she just pushes my patience.

Not only is she ungrateful and rude, but she is also the most conceited person I've ever met. She's extremely materialistic that I'm sure all she has to do is sniff the shoes that I'm wearing and she'll register the price of it.

Don't get me wrong; she's beautiful with her long strawberry blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes but that's about all she has to offer.

There's always more to a woman than her looks.

Drifting away from my thoughts, I read the large sign in bright red above the small diner.


I adjust the leather jacket on my shoulders as I make my way inside of the diner.

The bell rang as I entered through the glass doors and the atmosphere of the building gave a quite homely feel. Waitresses rush to get people's orders and also to carry back their food. The walls are painted blue and white, which goes according to the tables and chairs which are the exact color.

I felt eyes on me as I examined my surroundings and caught a few people staring at me and whispering but I ignored the attention.

I let my eyes roam and they immediately fell on Amanda who has a scoff present on her face as she wiped down the table with a tissue that she retrieved from her bag and later, threw the paper on the floor for someone else to pick up.

I clenched and unclenched my fists in anger.

She really triggers me, in more ways than one.

Deciding that right now wasn't the best time to lose my shit, I walked toward the table and in one swift movement, removed the tissue from the floor. Afterward, I stuffed it in my back pocket.

I then slid into the booth on the opposite side of her, sliding off my jacket, and found that she is disgustingly holding the menu in her hand with an even more disgusted face.

"Did you order already?" I asked as I pick up my own menu.

It contained the natural, everyday food you would find in a diner.

Burgers, hotdogs, tea, coffee, croissants...

My older brother Elijah actually suggested this place to me. He knew how stressed I was starting to become with all the press and photographers up my ass, which led to him recommending here.

It was a simple place, situated in a small town and it wasn't on the map so that made it an even greater idea to spend my free time here.

At least I had hoped it would be free time.

Frankly, any time spent with Amanda was anything but relaxing. She was obnoxious, degrading and snobby.

She was basically everything I wouldn't want in a woman.

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