chapter ten

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The sound of Cas's phone woke him up from a deep sleep, causing him shoot up in bed. He looked at the clock and saw it was 3 AM. Who is calling me in the middle of the night? He grabbed his phone and felt sick to his stomach. He answered immediately. "Dean? Are you okay?" He could hear crying coming from the other line. "C-can you c-come outside?"

"Outside? Are you at my house?" Dean was crying so much he could barely get his words out. "Y-yes, p-please hurry." Cas quickly hung up and ran downstairs. When he opened the door he saw Dean crouched down on the ground, blood spilling onto the welcome mat. "Dean! Oh my God, what happened?!" Cas helped Dean to his feet, bringing him into the house.

He brought him up to his room, closing the door so his mom wouldn't wake up. He carefully set Dean down on the bed. "Dean, you look really hurt, I think we need to get you to a hospital." Dean frantically shook his head, not making eye contact with Cas. "No, no, no. I just need to stay here for the night." His breathing was heavy, and he was shaking uncontrollably.

"Okay, you can stay, but you need to tell me what happened, okay? Can you do that for me?" Dean looked up into Cas's eyes. Cas had never seen someone so sad. "Okay." Cas smiled and held onto his hand, gently rubbing his thumb. "Ever since my mom died when I was young, my dad would get really drunk to try to numb the pain. After a while he started getting angry, and violent. He would throw bottles, and try to hit me and Sammy. Of course, I couldn't let that happen, so I started taking the hits for Sam. But it just got worse and worse. Soon it became a daily routine for him: get drunk, and beat me till I can't move. He never touches Sam, I don't let him. He blames me for my mother's death, Cas. He blames me. And when he found out I was gay, I swear he almost killed me. Tonight when I got home he had Sammy trapped in a corner, so I attacked him. I knew I shouldn't have left him alone like that. He hurt me really bad, Cas. When I had the chance, I grabbed Sammy and dropped him off at a friends house and then I came here."

Cas didn't even know what to say. He felt like crying and throwing up at the same time. "Dean, Im so sorry." He pulled him into a hug, staining his shirt with tears. "I'll never let him hurt you again, I promise."

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