I am Sorry

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It shouldn't have been like this.

 I wasn't planning to tell him this soon.

 I wanted to cherish his friendship as long as I could but I never have thought that he would suddenly confess to me like this.

 I was already dying of guilt for deluding him into thinking that I was Jihan not Jimin but never could I have ever thought of hijacking the love of his life from him. 

For an instance I wanted his confession to be for me, to be for Jimin not Jihan.

 I became a bit selfish here, but this was the point where it needed to end. 

I knew that upon telling him the truth will end what we have established this far. 

Telling him means facing his hatred once again.

 His reaction was what I had expected but it will be this harsh, I never have thought.

*Few Hours Earlier

"I can't return your love back Jungkook because the one you love....... died five years ago", I said with trembling lips.

 Saying these lines was enough torture for me because they brought back the memories which I tried so hard to bury.

 I was crying with full tears now seeing, a part of me relieved but another part of me crushed for being the reason for destroying the latter's life. 

"W-what? What are you saying Hyung, I don't unde------", Jungkook stuttered with confusion etched on his face.

"He is dead Jungkook. Jihan is dead", I cut him off mid-sentence as I cry-screamed chocking on my own words.

I felt his hands retraced from my body as he tried to absorb what I was saying.

"Y-you are kidding me h-Hyung, how can you be dead? you are right here with me, My JIHAN, Right?" he said with a hesitant laugh after staring at me blankly for good fifteen minutes as I continued shaking my head in denial. 

 "Tell me that you are kidding Hyung", he said a bit louder this time grabbing my shoulders and shaking them frantically making me sob out a bit louder.

 "I-I wish I were Kook, I-----", suddenly I was pushed back harshly making me fall straight on the ground. 

"No............. I don't believe it, you told me yourself that you were Jihan, that YOU were my Hyung. I waited ten years just to meet you. I came back from London just for you, you even had my locket with you. How can this be possible? I know this is some sort of prank right??? but it's a sick one Hyung, stop it. It's funny", he said looking a bit hysterical.

 "I am sorry Kook.......... I am so sorry. I had no other choice than to lie to you. You were so happy that I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth. I became so selfish Kook, please forgive me", I said hiccupping between my sobs. 

Realization finally hit him as his eyes widen at disbelief.

 What he was going through at the moment is exactly what I went through when I was left abandoned in the cold hallway of the hospital by my brother.

 The emptiness that filled my chest at the moment was evident of Jungkook's face as he remained frozen in his position. 

This was the exact moment that I dreaded, the moment when I will have crush his reason for existence. 

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