|60| a day in the office

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Haha y'all think your slick, I see my smut passed 1K reads 😏 y'all be rereading?

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ☁️

My phone rings once again from underneath my pillow. I cringe and frown over the constant ringing vibration, hoping the person will just call back later.

Eventually I squint at my lock screen the check the time before answering the call.

"What?" I yawn, too tired to speak formally.

"Open the door."


The call ends rather abruptly, leaving me with a series of hoarse beeps. Tired and confused, I follow the orders and make my way downstairs. When I open the front door, Taehyung looks up at me with his phone to his ear, about to call again because I came down so slowly.

I stare at him in silence for a couple of seconds, my eyes scrolling down his white shirt and black tie as I evaluate his outfit with one eye.


"Do you have plans?"


"Good. Hurry and get dressed."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, And wear something black and white."


*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ☁️

"So... Margo died?" Taehyung starts pulling over into a reserved parking spot, right in front of the skyscraper that is KimTech.

I sigh and sink my head back, "Yeah, from a heart attack. I'm just sad that he's gone, it happened so quickly."

"...I'm sorry to hear that. Li liked him a lot." He unbuckles his seatbelt once the car stops. "You ready to go inside?"

"Depends. Are you going to tell me why I'm here? You know I don't like guns."

"Later," He exits the car. I follow his lead, nervously brushing my hands down my clothes.

Most of the employees in the lobby don't break focus from what they're doing, however I catch a few eyes hawking on me. Hardly surprisingly, since I'm walking alongside their CEO. The receptionist at the desk jumps up and bows at our presence, "Mr. Kim, you're meeting is about to start."

He looks over his shoulder and tilts his head, signally me to follow. Why do I have to come to a meeting? Meetings are boring.

I tag along through the tall, white modern corridor until Taehyung turns into a room. When we enter, a group of seven men sit around a long table.

"Gentlemen," He announces, "This is Lilo Hanson, a new private operations manager."



They all take a brief moment to stand and bow. Taehyung claims a seat at the end of the table, leaving me to take the empty space on his side. While squatting into our chairs, he presents his hand out to a man on his right who stands longer than the others. He's quite attractive and looks about the same age as Taehyung.

"Lilo, this is Park Bogum. He handles the manufacturing and examinations of weaponry development. He's been my right hand for years."

The word "weaponry" tells me this isn't just a regular meeting anymore, but one that refers to the corporation that runs more underground. I suddenly feel a little uneasy, knowing the pressure this situation holds.

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