Secrets - part 5

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Soon the door opened and a mass of blonde hair jumped at me, I chuckled.

"Drwacooo!" Lexi Beamed, I smiled and sat her on my lap "drwaco, thwey sway mes oays!" I kissed her head.

"That's great lex, I'm so glad" I wasn't lying, I'm glad my baby sister was okay. "Hey lex you remember Mione, don't you?" I turned Lexi to face her.

Lexi beamed and pointed at her "The Mione yous lwike!"

Draco's POV
I froze. I didn't know what to say or do. Lexi must have overheard me talking about it to someone to be able to come out with that. I hoped she wouldn't say anymore..

"Oh, draco likes me huh Lexi?" Hermione said with a small smile in lexi's direction. She nodded vigorously. "Well you can tell Draco, that hermione likes him too" she smiled.

My heart skipped a beat, surely she wasn't saying what she was. Surely she meant in a friend way. surely...oh god I hope not.

"Oays, drwaco Miones lwikes yous." I nodded, but Lexi just smiled and walked out the room knowing I had heard her.

"Malfoy, you okay? You look dead" hermione said with hits of concern.

I shook my head vigorously and smiled at her "yeah I'm fine, just Lexi can come out with some random things at times" She smiled and leaned back on the couch.

"So Malfoy what should we ta-"

"When you said you like me, what way was it meant?" I cut her off, the question had been boiling in my brain and had overfilled my brain so it poured out. She looked at me weirdly.

"I like you Malfoy, I like you. What other way could it be meant?" She looked at me confused.

"Nevermind" I shook my head and sunk slightly. She didn't understand it but it's fine. Another day maybe.

Hermione's POV:
After Draco said Nevermind I was thinking back through the conversations and one thing sprung up. Lexi has said that she was 'okay' so when was she not.

"Draco?" I asked, he nodded "Lexi told you that she was okay, what's happened that I've missed?" When the realisation hit him, I saw his face sink and questioned if I should have asked.

"A few days ago, she was in her room and pansy had apperated in somehow. She locked Lexi in the room and has horrible, we tried breaking down the door but couldn't. But the door flew off when an explosion accrued. Lexi fainted and my mom caught her. Pansy said she was evil and had 'red eyes'. That Lexi caused the explosion so mom took her to St.Mungos today. I'm just glad i know she's okay but that's all i know"

I was shocked, Why do things always keep happening to this little girl, it's terrible.
"Draco I'm so sorry.." I trailed off as he looked up at me.

"She's okay. Everything can be put to rest because she's okay." He smiles slightly, and I smiled back encouragingly.

"I'm glad your thinking positively, that's the right thing to do" I was genuinely proud of him for this. It seemed undraco-like but he has changed.

"Do I want to slit pansy's throat? Yes. Would i actually do it? Probably not. But do I really want to? Hell yes" I rolled my eyes, that's draco.

"Draco just leave her. She's not worth your time, only occupy your time with people worth your time" I leaned forward and rested my head in my hand.

"Thanks Mione, it means a lot truly" he smiled at me and sat at the edge of the couch.

We continued to talk about anything and everything really that popped up. It was crazy how much we could talk and understand about each other.

It got to about 5:30 and I had to go, I grabbed my coat and went to the front door. Draco followed behind me and after i opened the door I swung round quickly and gave him a hug. It took him by surprise but he hugged me back tightly. We hugged for a long while before letting go.

"Thank you so much for today" I smiled and headed outside, I walked to the end of the drive and apperated home.

When I got home I called Ginny and we spoke about it all, I'm so glad Malfoy invited my round. I would have been to scared to make the first move...


What does hermione mean? What will happen with pansy? Will lexis eyes change colour again? Wow a lot of stuff can be done with this, if you have any ideas leave them in the comments.

I know this is shorter but I'll try and update twice today. I love you guys so much and thank you for all the comments and votes 💞💞

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