Arc 1.5

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[Plot Task: Lead Prince of Adeania to Princess Briar Rose. +500 points. ]

This is what Cerise woke up to first thing in the morning. He dragon pouted. (Whatever the hell that looked like.) He was really too reluctant to give away Aiden to some 100+ year old princess who might have a questionable character.

As if sensing his displeasure, Prince Aiden awoke to see his dragon huffing and puffing, large amounts of smoke unfurling from his snout.

He stroked under the jaw, "What's wrong?"

Now Cerise felt even more reluctant. Those vibrant, bright blue eyes gazing at him with adoration and concern just made it impossible for him to let go.

System Godmother Jing was ignorant about his host's troubles.

[System: Host? What's wrong? If we don't complete the Plot Tasks, we'll get cursed. ]

Cerise: For real?

[System: Jing won't lie! If Host doesn't complete them, the Plot Task will put a temporary curse on you! ]

Though that sounded interesting, Cerise didn't want to find out firsthand.

He turned to the Prince with an aggrieved expression. I'm being bullied~

Prince Aiden felt a bit helpless, he couldn't understand what was ailing his poor dragon. And it seems that he's too lazy to write it down since he's sulking. . . Well, might as well get that chain off him first.

He walked over to Cerise's left leg that had the enchanted cuff around it.

Hmm, a hundred years left the enchantment a bit weak. He should be able to dispel it.

He took out an artifact, the only thing his "father" had given him. He placed the small object near the cuffs and muttered some chants. Elegant writing made of fire appeared on the metal, slowly burning, wearing it off.

Cerise felt some weight lift off of his leg, he looked down to see that the cuffs and even the chains have disappeared.

It's gone! He immediately glomped the prince, frightening the knights, nuzzling his face then giving a small lick to his cheek. Yummy.

Said Prince was happy to be on the receiving end of such affection. His expression was gentle, "Alright enough."

Cerise obediently got off, still happy for his freedom.

The knights scratched their heads. "It's amazing how docile she is-"



Cerise looked annoyed. "He's male", said the Prince.

"Ah, oh, yes. Of course." They apologized, not wanting to offend neither of the two.

[System: Host, the Task~ ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) ]

A pouty Cerise: Right. . .

Cerise got Aiden's attention, then nudged him towards the entrance of the castle. He then made his way to the tower that the princess resides in. He's too big to go inside so he can only wait outside. The prince got his meaning but also didn't miss that his sulking attitude was back.

Prince Aiden: It seems Cerise wants to show us something. Let's go, and ready your weapons just in case.

The group made their way through the old, castle doors. A large creak echoed throughout the area as they pushed it open. Using Cerise as a target, they estimated his position from inside then navigated to where he was.

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