my freedom

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Today started like any other i wake up get fed my slop today it was what peopole say mashed beans and corn with some sort if green thing it was cold and mushy i have never eaten anything else for the thing they call christmas i got a cold piece of pork witch made me sick after word so ya i then practice my telacanisis until i see my mother comeing around the corner i fling the rock at her but she is to quick and slices it in half i then see 2 of her men walking behind her carrying a girl about my age with long white hair wareing a skirt and in heals i see vernall with a new weapon so i assume she stole it from her i then spoke in mock care " ahhh look if it isint mother of the year" she responds with a growl "shut up mistake takr care of the shnee" i think for a second shnee whats a shnee a shnee no clue i look at her and see her shivering so i take off what could only be discribed as jiant dirty rag and put it over her i then draged her over to the edge of the cage next to me and broght my knees to my chest i looked over at her she kinda stoped shivering i discoverd that one from a teacher that was in here and saw me doing it i go back to practaceing and also try ing to make something to fit in that weird hole in the lock that opens it but stop when the 2 men came back and not long after the girl woke up

3rd pov

Bandit :  Well, well, well, look who's awake.

Weiss: Wha... what's going on? Where am I?

Vernal: You know...  I never thought I'd see a Schnee in this camp.

Bandit One: Vernal!?

Red head: ohh if it isint the bitch who stole my motherly love

Vernal: ohh shut it

Weiss:  What do you want?

Vernal: Straight to the point. I like it. We don't normally deal in trafficking people - not really worth our time. But, once we realized we had a Schnee,that changed.

Weiss: You're going to ransom me back to my father, is that it?

Vernal: It's a shame you're a Schnee. You'd probably do quite well around here.

Weiss: I would never sink to your level.

Vernal's expression then changes to a frown.

Vernal: Just keep quiet and cooperate and you'll be back in your mansion before you know it. Don't make this complicated.

Weiss: What's going to make this complicated is when my sister finds out I didn't make it to Mistral. You know my sister, don't you? Winter Schnee? Special Operative of the Atlas Military? She's in Mistral now, and when she hears I'm missing, it won't take her long to find me - and you.

, the bandits start laughing, much to Weiss' surprise.

Weiss: What's so funny?

Vernal turns back around.

Vernal: Oh, I don't know if it's more funny or sad, but you're clearly out of the loop. Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No Atlas personnel are in Mistral anymore. General Ironwood closed the borders and recalled all his little troops and tin cans. No one is coming to rescue you.

Wiess pov

The one named vernall walked away and i look around i noticed i am in a dirty giant rag and then i see a red head nest to me wearing bagy cloths he is look ing at me

Me: whats your name

Red head: dont have one but my last name is blaze

Me:what do you mean you dont have

Blaze: i mean i wasent given one

Me: well hmmmm zayden zayden  thats your name zay for short i am wiess

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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