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I was mad... Ed only protected me because of what Roy said.... I got to the office.. I walked to Roy's office..

"What do you need?"I said angry.

"What happened? You don't usually act like this..."Roy asked..

"It's just late..."

"Well.. It just that a town asked for a skilled healer and strong men... I thought I would send you and the Elric brothers... Your train will be leaving in two days time..."

"Ok... I'll talk to the boys... Is that all?"I asked still annoyed.

"Y/n... Please tell me what's wrong.."

"In a way it's you... Have a good night Roy.... Tell Riza I'm leaving okay... After this assignment I may be gone for a little longer anyways..."

"What about the Elrics?"

"This trip all depends on what happens on the assignment.."I left. I couldn't stop thinking about Ed... Not only in a good way but also bad... I stopped as I heard something behind me. I looked behind me and saw Ed...

"Y/n... Are you okay?.. I got a little worried..."

"I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?"

"Ed... Why can't you just love from your heart.. Not your head.."He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me... I felt shock go through me... I felt his cold hand go against my neck. He pulled away..

"Ed..."He brought his hand down to my collar bone.. Then I noticed this wasn't Ed... It was Envy.. I pushed him away... I kicked him and ran to the hotel... Thankfully he didn't follow... I worriedly went to my room. Ed walked in not to long after.

"Y/n... Are you okay?"He sat down on the bed.

"Envy... He scared the crap out of me..."

"What did he do..."



"He kissed me.."

"That bastard...."I got up from my spot and leaned into his chest. He hugged me. He then kissed my forehead.


"What is it..."He caringly said.

"You love me with your heart and not your head right?"

"All off my heart..."We leaned our foreheads against each other... We then kissed. I could tell he was sorry... We laid down.. He held me and we went to sleep. I woke up in his arms. I smiled.. I soon got out of his iron grip. I walked to Al..

"Al.. Tomorrow we have a train to some town to help.."

"Sounds good.."


Shortie (Edward Elric x Reader) ! Discontinued !Where stories live. Discover now