Chapter 17:Run,Run,Run,Run,Run From the Devilish Snake

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Someone pulled me back,but I was already being dragged away by the scarf.I saw Annabeth's eyes widened in shock as she whipped out her dagger.

  I reached in my shirt to retrieve my necklace,but my wrists was bounded together so tightly that blood circulation was literally cut off.I struggled,digging my heels into the ground,but then the woman decided to make her way to me.At the same time,Percy,Annabeth,Grover and Nico ran closer to me and tried to pull me away.

  The woman wrapped her arm around my throat,her forked tongue tasting the beads of sweat on my cheek.I shuddered,turning away from her tongue without avail.

  "Let her go!"Percy and Nico said simultaneously,and shot daggers at each other.The woman chuckled.

  "How cute,"she said,her breath and tongue tickling my ear."Two good-looking boys fighting just for you."

  "Who the hell are you?"I asked,trying hard not to shudder again.The woman laughed softly.

  "I am Madame White,"she answered."Don't you ever read your collection of mythologies?"

  "You are from the Chinese myths,"I gasped out as she tightened her arm around my neck."That white snake demon."

  "That's right,my dear,"she chuckled.

  "'re ancient.You're Chinese.How can you speak such fluent English?"I choked out and realised that Madame White was backing away from Percy,Annabeth,Grover and Nico,who were all slowly advancing.The crowd didn't seem to notice our group.

  "Keep away or I'll break her neck!"She threatened,tightening my neck.I choked,as tears rolled down my cheeks."I wasn't supposed to appear in America..."With her free hand she waved at the busy crowd(Percy had explained to me about the Mist,but how could they not see a woman trying to kill a kid?)."But Chaos released me.He gave me the power to go further than the boundaries.Oh,I'll have my necklace back,thank you very much."She removed her necklace from my pocket."I'm so sorry,because I'll have to kill you.Master Chaos' orders,"She winked at me."Zai Jian."

  I closed my eyes tight,while listening for the sickening crack of my neck,but a sudden loud cry filled with panic loosened the grip around my throat and wrists.Madame White let out a cry,covering her ears as I pulled away from her.Percy grabbed my hand and dragged me along as Annabeth led us out of the streets.Behind me,I could hear the crowd panicking and Madame White's voice screaming for us to stop.

  We ignored her,of course.

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