#16. Math or Drama » Lucas LeexRamona

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I walked through the doors of school. It was the first day of grade 9.

I walked down the long hallway to my locker and unlocked it. I put my books into the locker and looked over my schedule. As I did, a guy with weird eyebrows came over to lean against the locker next to mine.

"Well hello there pretty lady," he said. I looked at him for a moment before continuing with what I was doing. "I'll have you know that blue his my favorite color."

I rolled my eyes. He was talking about my blue hair.

I'll have you know that I am mysterious. I like being mysterious. It creeps people out sometimes. I like doing that.

"Sorry. I didn't properly introduce myself. My name is Lucas Lee," he said and extended a hand to me. I noticed that in his other hand, he was carrying a skateboard.

Skateboarder, I thought. Nice.

"Ramona Flowers," I told him and shook his hand.

"Ramona. Sexy," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my math book.

I began walking down the hall to math class, leaving Lucas Lee by himself. People stared at my hair as I walked down the hall. Whatever. Not like I cared.

I slid into a seat in the back of the room and got my things ready for class. Class started not too long ago. I had been doodling on my exercise book. I never liked math. It wasn't my favorite subject. When was I ever gonna need to know that a=2 if the equation is a2x8-3=29 in life?

The teacher was dragging on and on about boring math stuff when suddenly, she stopped. The sound of wheels rolling into the classroom had cut her off. I looked up to see that the culprit was none other than Lucas Lee himself. I groaned and mentally begged the teacher not to sit him in the empty seat next to me.

"Excuse me, who would YOU be?" she asked, eying Lucas from over her granny glasses.

"Lucas Lee; pretty good skateboarder," he replied, winking at the class. Some of the girls swooned. I gagged.

"Well then, Mr. Lee, thank you for finally joining us. Please take a seat next to Miss. Flowers in the back."

I groaned and slammed my head down on the desk. Wonderful. Just. Freaking. Awesome.

*One Month Later*

I walked up to the skate park to watch my boyfriend, Lucas, skate with some of his friends.

Yeah, Lucas and I were dating now. He followed me around ever since the day we met, begging me to go out with him. Honestly, I didn't want to. He was whiny, greasy haired skateboarder. But he soon grew on me and I couldn't say no.

The girls cheered every time Lucas did a trick, whether it be something actually impressive or something a baby could do.

"This last trick is for my girl, Ramona," he said and winked at me. The girls whispered to one another, but I just smiled. It felt nice to actually be loved.

Lucas did a trick that actually looked pretty hard and pretty cool. The guys (and most definitely the girls) went crazy. Lucas walked past every single one of his "adoring fans" and right up to me. He wrapped one arm around my back and pulled me to him, roughly kissing my lips. I heard a few of the girls whisper things about me again, but it wasn't hard to ignore them.

"Let's get out of here," Lucas said.


He took my hand in his and we walked down the street. Well, I walked and basically pulled Lucas along on his skateboard. I don't know what was up with that dude and his skateboard. He was basically attached to it 24/7. He might as well have been dating that thing.

We came up to the corner store. I sat on the curb and looked up at Lucas as he exited the store with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. He passed me one and lit it up for me.

"You know, they say these things can kill you," I pointed out.

"Yeah, they say a lot of things. I chose to ignore them," Lucas shrugged and took a puff from his cigarette.

This was usually all we did. We'd sit on the curb outside of the store and smoke. Then we'd go home. Interesting relationship, huh?

"What'd you think of that trick?" Lucas asked and took another puff of his cigarette. As he exhaled the sweet smelling smoke, it blew towards me. I inhaled the scent and sighed. I love the smell of cigarettes.

"I think the girls liked it," I replied, honestly. Lucas gave me a look. "What?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Oh great. Here we go.

"All I'm saying is that the girls liked your tricks. They like you in general. They love a guy on wheels," I commented. I paused to take a puff from my cigarette before adding, "And so do I."

Lucas smiled and kissed my forehead. Drama avoided.

That's another thing Lucas and I had a lot of in our relationship. Drama. In our less than one month relationship, we had more drama than a whole season of those stupid soap operas. And if I thought there was gonna be drama now, just wait.

*Three months later*

The light from the hallway flooded into the janitor closet, where I had my legs wrapped around the waist and my arms around the neck of Todd Ingram. We both froze, like deers in headlights, when we seen Lucas Lee standing there.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Lucas and all. He just didn't change from that whiny, greasy haired skateboarder I knew him as the first time we met. And all we did was smoke and have drama. I guess the whole cheating thing wasn't going to help that.

"Ramona?" Lucas asked. He looked generally hurt.

"Lucas. I'm so sorry," I said. Too late for apologies, Ramona.

I jumped down from Todd's waist and approached Lucas. He backed away from me, his expression hardening. Uh oh. I didn't like that look.

"Forget it, Ramona. Forget the last few months we've had together. We're over."

He marched away without another word. I felt bad for breaking his heart, but I was okay with the whole relationship being over. Finally I wouldn't have to put up with him anymore.

"So, are we gonna continue?" Todd asked.

"Yeah. Just one second."

I pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of my bag and a pencil. I smoothed it out and looked at my writing, which was beginning to fade due to how many times I had crumpled and uncrumpled it.

"List of Exes

-Matthew Patel (loser)
-Lucas Lee (pretty good skateboarder)"

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