Foxfire Dance Pt. 2

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Once Sophie walked through the doors of the gym, she didn't see Keefe at first.

She saw Biana.

Once Biana noticed her she swished over and gave Sophie a hug. "Your here!" She shrieked.

Sophie smiled. "Of course." Then noticed her Biana's dress.

It was a fluffy pink ball gown with netted long sleeves and flowers. Her chocolate hair was to one side with a flower barrette in it.

"You look awesome," Sophie told her.

Biana smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Did you come here with anyone?" Sophie asked, then regretted it when she remembered that Biana had liked Keefe."Biana I'm sorry, I didn't--"

Biana held up her hand. "Sophie, its okay," She said. "I'm dating Tam now,"

"Really?" Sophie asked.

Biana nodded, a grin spreading across her face.

Sophie smiled widened as she went to hug her again. Then they heard a voice from behind them.

"Foster, do you want to get a drink?" Both girls whipped around to find Keefe.

Sophie smiled and gave him a hug.

"You look great," He whispered.

Sophie blushed, and then she realized something.

They were matching!

"You two realize your both wearing silver and red, right?" Biana pointed out asked.

Sophie stepped back from the hug and smiled sheepishly. "I promise we didn't plan it." She said, holding up her hands.

Sophie caught something out of the corner of her eye whoosh past, and she immediately recognized it as Linh

Biana glanced at her, then back at Sophie. "Did you see..."

Her voice trailed off when Sophie nodded.

Keefe tilted his head. "See what?" He asked.

Both Sophie and Biana shook their head.

"Nothing," Sophie told him. "We'll be right back. Why don't you find the rest of our friends."

And with that she and Biana went zooming through the gym.

They twisted and turned through crowds of people, until they finally made it. "Sophie!" Linh said once she saw them.

Sophie smiled and Biana did the same. "You look great," Biana said. "Your dress is beautiful,"

Linh was wearing a tea length dress that was blue and black. Her hair was put in a bun and she looked gorgeous.

"Thank you," Linh said. "Tam is somewhere around here,"

They finally found Tam after a few minutes, and he was wearing...

A black jerkin...

With black pants...

And black boots.

Sophie turned to Tam and smiled. "So, you and Biana are dating...?"

Tam's face turned a light shade a pink. "Yeah,"

"I'm so happy for you guys." She said.

Biana smiled and came over.

They got into a conversation about how they hadn't had a Foxfire dance in forever and that it was great to have one when everyone was friends.

Then started a random conversation about gnomes, when someone from behind tapped her on the shoulder.

She whipped around and was face to face with her best friend.

"Dex!" She said, hugging him. "You came."

Dex hugged her, then backed up. "You didn't think I would?" He asked, a wide grin on his lips.

Sophie had actually wondered if he was going to come since he didn't have a date.

"It's fine," He said, like he knew what she was thinking. "I actually wanted to come without someone I'd have to pander to all night."

Everyone laughed at the joke except Sophie, who realized she had a date and didn't know where he was!

"I'll be right back," She told them, running all over the gym in order to find Keefe.

By the time she's checked the stands, she was tired, so she decided to get a drink. At the drink table she saw Stina and Maruca.

Great! She tried to be unnoticed, but she had not such luck!

"Hey Foster," Stina said in her snobbish voice. "What are you doing at the dance?"

"Uh...Keefe asked me." She said filling a cup with lushberry juice.

Then she decided to get another for Keefe when she found him. "Why are you here?"

Stina shrugged and told her that some dude asked Marcua out and she was there for moral support. Sophie looked over and noticed that they were both dressed elegantly.

Stina was wearing an ankle length purple dress. Her curly hair was straightened and she didn't look that bad. Maruca was wearing a white mermaid a dress with her hair in soft curls. And she didn't look half bad either.

Sophie told them she needed to find Keefe, then left. She decided to look a the tables.

No Keefe.

The entrance?

No Keefe.

The farthest Corner of the Gym.


Sophie saw Keefe near the entrance of the gym, and when they met eyes...he ran.

Like, out the door.

And away from her.

The party may have still been going on, but Sophie didn't care, she ran out of the gym--with the cups still in her hands.

She channeled energy into her feet, but it seemed like Keefe was doing the exact same thing, so she was getting nowhere.

She could hear his steps in front of her so she did the only thing she could think of. She threw one of the cups at him.

It didn't hit him, but it caused him to stop for a little bit. "Keefe! Wait!" She called, but it was too late.

He'd found the closest classroom he could reach, ran inside and locked the door behind him.

First she tried a soft knock and a, "Keefe, what's going on?" When he nothing happened, she started pounding on the door. "Keefe, please let me in. I'm sorry for leaving you. Please...just let me in."

After a few minutes--when she realized he wasn't coming out--she stared at the second cup she now had in her hand and threw it against the door. She stared at the broken shards and felt tears fall down her face. 

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