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Ashlynn's POV:

Finally I'm free. Free to do anything I want. Free to be with the one I love, free to let my powers fly. It's all perfect. Hunter, me, fire, and love. I still don't understand how this all comes together so perfectly, that no one has a problem. And that's the thing. Someone does has a problem. My mom. Oh, wait. There's more. My horrible step dad, Hunter's family, and everyone eles. The only person who understand is Hunter.

There I am. Standing in front of my mother. Fire all around me. "How did it come to this, Ashlynn?" She looked at me then at Hunter. "You! You did his to my daughter now you have to pay!" The fire I made lowered as my mother grew madder by the second. Then, she was different. Her hair, the eyes, the clothes. It all made sense now. My mother was the queen of fire. Her hair would turn a richest redish gold, her eyes a bloody red. I was like my mother, but nicer than her. Though, I can't control myself. She can.

Hunter stepped back worried about me. Letting go of my hand. I looked at my mother and moved back as well. "Hunter." I whispered. "Let's go. Now!" Me and Hunter ran through the forest. My fire calming down. I look behind me and see all the fire rushing up behind us and all the burning trees. Then. I felt rain. All I heard was sizzles. I look at my arm then the air and realize that I would be in deep trouble. Its bad enough that my mother is chasing me, now rain to put me, the fire, out.

I started going slower as the raindrops fell. "Hunter! Help me!" I yelled as loud as I could. Hunter looked behind him and stopped. He took off his sweater and gave it to me. "Ashlynn? Oh no. The rain." Hunter wrapped his sweater aound me and picked me up. He carried me the whole rest of the way.

"Thanks, Hunter." I whispered before faling asleep in his arms...

Hunter's POV:

Me and Ashlynn are just running away from this fire queen. I held Ashlynn's hand tight as I carried her. The rain made Ashlynn sizzle out and if she sizzled out completely... she'd be dead. I looked behind me and saw the fire become lower. The light becoming smaller. So I knew I still had one chance.

I brought Ashlynn to my house and called for my mom and dad. When I heard footsteps, I put Ashlynn on the couch. She seemed very tired. But the way she was all snuggled in my sweater, was adorable. My parents came downstairs and were shocked to see Ashlynn here. They never liked Ashlynn. She's fire and my parents don't want me to be with her because, they're afraid that I could get hurt around Ashlynn.

"Mom, dad. Please just listen to me. Ashlynn needs help." My parents looked at each other and sighed. I told hem everything that happened and what they had to do. We shut the windows, locked all the doors, and put curtains on every window. We put fire in the fireplace and I sat by Ashlynn, waiting for her to wake up. My parents went the kitchen and put a lantern in there, the bathrooms, and hallways.

I turned on the tv and felt like watching the news. When I chose channel 3 (eyewitness news at 5,) I saw reporters, police, fire trucks, and ambulances everywhere in the forest. "Mom! Dad!" My parents rushed into the living room and looked at the tv. Ashlynn woke up and put her head on my lap. "Hey, Hunter. Wait... Your parents. They aren't- attacking? I know. They wanna help." I interrupted. "Oh... okay then." Ashlynn turned to look at the tv and held my hand. "That's my mom. Hunter... what happened..."

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