Surprises (Genderbent Cinderella x Reader)

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Your long flowing dress dazzled the ball room. It's beautiful reds and oranges swirled with one another making you a glowing flame amongst all the royalties. You were the Princess of the Verinium Isle. Your father King Terraine and step-mother Queen Alexandria has dressed you up so much that you were bound to leave the castle with a husband.

Your hair bounced along your shoulders and back as you walked. Men and women alike nearly tripped over themselves to get a mere glimpse of your glory.

"Ah! Madam Y/N, King Henry and Prince Cinderan have been searching for you!" A butler for the castle stood before you. His uniform a crisp white with silver lining. It's gold buttons fastened and polished black shoes. "Of course, thank you sir" your courtesy was low as he bowed and walked off to deliver another message no doubt. Your heart flurried at the thought of Prince Cinderan. His blonde hair... sparkling blue eyes and broad shoulders... his perfect face and white teeth would woo any girl into mush. But you were particularly smitten.

You had history with Cinderan. As children the two of you had been good friends. Before your mother, Queen Elizabeth had died. You had constantly been in Cinderans castle, running along the polished tiles in expensive clothes and ruining them with child like activities.

After your mother died the visits stoped. Your father couldn't bare to face the castle that your mother had been so fond of and the family that lived within. Father always said her mind was a curious thing, she never said why she found this castle so interesting, it was quite like your one. But mother was never questioned and she never would be.

You climbed the red carpeted stairs towards the balcony where Three thrones and comfortable sofas adorned the area. A balding man with a crown sat in the biggest throne. To his right was his wife Queen Avari and to his left sat Prince Cinderan. Your father and step-mother sat opposite them dressed in the grandest of clothes.

The pain in your fathers eyes as he studied the wholesome family before him whom had so many memories was a painful thing to bear.

But your father had many talents.

Your step-mother has one and that was being an absolute cow.

You hated her with every last cell and fibre in your body. And she hated you.

Probably because you were way prettier.

King and Queen Marion (for that was Cinderans last name) spin in their seats upon hearing your entrance. Cinderan grabbed his throne and his knuckles turned white.

"Princess Y/N!! Oh it's a pleasure to see you again!" The Queen jumped out of her seat and made her way towards you. Her slim dress slipped its way between the many layers of your fire coloured gown. You embraced each other, she was closer to a mother than you would ever have again.

The King wore a jolly grin as he stole you away from the Queens arms and hugged the life out of you. "Welcome back Pri..." Pri was the nickname your mother had given you. Simply because you were her princess. And only those dearest could call you Pri.

Cinderan was next to approach you. His blue eyes were glossy as if he was about to cry. His lip trembled slightly and as soon as his father moved away he grabbed your hand and pulled you to his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and nestled his face into your neck.

"I missed you so much..." he croaked as he tried to control his emotions. You felt the tears welling up in your eyes as well while the pair of you hugged after years of separation. The two kings smiled warmly as Queen Avari tried to strike up conversation with Queen Alexandria.

Cinderan grabbed your hand in his. He looked at his father who nodded, Cin, for that was his nickname pulled you towards the stairs. Your heels clicked as you rushed after the Prince while he dragged you along behind him.

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