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I am over "problematic" faceclaims and people. Just the word pisses me off. And cancel culture pisses me off.

If you don't like someone, just mind your own business. If you think someone is problematic, mind your own business. If you think someone needs cancelling, mind your own business.

Unless the person has done something actually bad that wasn't twenty years ago, I don't care. Oh, they didn't leave a tip? When I used to get my nails done like four years ago I never left a tip. Am I cancelled?

Oh, they said something mildly offensive ten years ago? (Not including homophobic or racist comments because that is an entirely different issue) I don't care. Also, don't even get me started on everyone being so damn offended over everything. Unless you are a literal child, you need to grow up.

If you say everyone is problematic and cancelled and you are offended by everything anyone says, you are going to be in for a painful life. That is just the truth. If I acted like that every time I got offended or someone hurt my feelings, I would've dropped out of high school and quit the job I've had for two years.

The world as a whole just needs to be more relaxed on things, and everyone needs to learn to keep things to themselves.

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