Unbreakable Bond

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"Every breath you draw from your lungs is a gift to me"

Our clothes were strewn over the floor.
I poked Kian in the arm. "wake up babe" I whispered.
" what time is it?" he moaned. I leaned over to get my phone. "8:34 am - I'll go and get breakfast and wake up the others" I kissed Kian on the cheek and went to get the others.

I knocked on Ricky's door.
"Come in" he called. He was already awake on his laptop.
"Oh hi Iris" he yawned.
"Did you even go to sleep last night?" I giggled.
"Surprisingly I slept for a long time - I woke up about 30 minutes ago" he said.
"What does everyone like to eat?" I asked.
"They'll eat anything!" he laughed.
"Okay I'll start making a selection - can you get the others up?" I asked.
"Sure" he said.

I went down to the kitchen and made pancakes, waffles, I cooked everything needed for a full English breakfast.
" Holy shit babe you’re a kitchen goddess!" Kian said as he sat down at the table. I placed a jug of coffee and tea on the table. The others shortly arrived. I sat next to Kian and put a small amount of food on my plate.
" Not feeling well babe?" Kian asked as he swung his arm over my shoulder.
I was nervous about the event today. What if the fans didn't like me? What if Kian got hate for dating me?

I saw black. I heard nothing. I was being consumed by darkness.

"Iris babe - wake up"
"Iris can you hear me?"
"Please you’re scaring me. I can't lose you."

I opened my eyes. I was in a different bed. I wasn't home.
I was in a hospital. I was attached to all these machines, I had an oxygen mask on, and my vision was blurry.

"Heya" I turned my head and saw Ricky sitting on a chair beside my bed.
"What happened" I asked.
" You collapsed, banged your head and went in a coma." “The nurses weren't sure if you were going to wake up or not. You've been on life support for 3 days now." Said Ricky.
I had tears in my eyes. Ricky reached out and held my hand.
" Where's Kian?" I asked.
"He's been by you the whole time, we all have. He left about an hour ago to go have a shower. He could see I was upset, still holding my hand he got his phone out and called Kian.
"He's on his way don't worry."

The group arrived, they were holding flowers and gifts. "We thought you weren't ever going to wake up" JC said as leaned over to hug me. Everyone gave me a hug. Kian looked like he had been crying but I didn't say anything. It just felt good hugging him. I felt a warm tear roll down my face. Kian wiped it with his sleeve. He sat on the edge of my bed and was holding my hand.
"How was the event?" I asked.
"We didn't go" Connor said.
" We couldn't go without our guardian angel" chuckled JC.
" You could have woken up at any moment we all agreed that we always wanted at least one of us beside you, so when you woke up, you wouldn't be alone" Ricky said.
" Kian called your mom and dad" said Trevor.
"How did you get the number?" I asked.
" It was on a post it note on the fridge" Trevor continued.
Kian hadn't said anything. I sat up. I felt weak, my legs were like jelly.
I took the oxygen mask of my face.
I stroked Kian face with the back if my hand. “I thought I was going to lose you."
I squeezed his hand tighter.
" I'm here now" I said as I pushed my head into his shoulder.

I was discharged shortly afterwards. Kian was vlogging, explaining why nobody had posted a video that week.

Ricky was pushing my wheel chair out of the hospital. Kian lifted me into the car and sat next to me. He kissed me, everything felt better.

That day I learnt when you find people who truly love you they will stick by you - no matter what.

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