You are the Embodiment of the 7 Heavenly Virtues

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Request: You are the embodiment of the 7 heavenly virtues and you are sought out by the Seeds as the flock begins to spread stories about all of your good deeds towards everyone.

Joseph Seed-

Joseph was the one who identified you as the 'embodiment of the 7 Heavenly Virtues' after he had heard story after story from his flock. You instantly earned his attention, how could somebody be so kind, so good and so pure? Surely God had sent you here, to prove that their was such a thing as purity in this world, to be a role model not only for his flock but for him and his siblings. Joseph would be most interested by your Kindness and Charity, it was something that he believes in greatly and you are the perfect example of it. He was also interested in your Chasity, you were pretty much the definition of purity. He almost couldn't believe how pure you were, he had to meet you, he had to talk to you.

Jacob Seed-

After Joseph mentioned you being the 'embodiment of the 7 Heavenly Virtues' Jacob had kept an eye on you, he assumed that his brother was being metaphorical but the more Jacob observed your behaviour the more he believed it was true. Jacob was intrigued by your Humility and Diligence, he could appreciate those traits and they were very easy for him to spot within you. The more he observed your behaviour the more be became interested in you, how could somebody remain so pure and so kind in such an unforgiving world?

John Seed-

John was fascinated by you and focused on you more than anyone or anything else. It was his duty to identify peoples' sins and get them to atone, but no mater how hard he tried, no matter how strict he was, no matter how unfair he was he just couldn't find a single sin that you were guilty of. John was fascinated by your Patience and your Temperance, he was just so amazed that somebody like, that somebody as pure and good as you could exist. He wouldn't admit it but he would want to learn from you, to be better.

Faith Seed-

Faith was the sibling that seemed to symbolise innocence the most, but she was nothing compared to you. Nobody was anything compared to you. She had never met anyone so kind and just so good, it didn't take any time at all for her to become completely intrigued by you. She admired your Kindness and Charity, she didn't see much of these in her life so it was refreshing and absolutely extraordinary to find those traits in one person.


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