thirty-eight // pain

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Pain can be felt two different ways. One way is physical, the other is emotional. People normally would feel pain either only physically, or only emotionally. But in my case, I felt both forms of pain.

Just before Daniel slapped Justin, I jumped in front of Justin, shielding him from any hits.

I felt a hand slap against my face, hard. The impact was so hard that I managed to fall to the ground. My whole right side fell against the kitchen floor, causing gasps and screams from everyone around me. The DJ had shut off the music, and everyone had saw what just happened. Everyone would soon know about this, whether they were currently drunk or not. People were bound to find out about this. 

"Christi!" Justin yelled before grabbing me. He lifted me up and examined my face. He touched my cheek where I got hit, and I flinched from the pain. 

Justin's eyes soon went from sadness to anger. He turned away from me and looked at Daniel. "You!" He yelled. "You fucking did this! I knew you were a bad boy, but after us hanging out and the way you treated Christi, I gave you a chance. Now you what you've done! You fucking bastard!" Justin spat. He slowly got up, ready to hurt Daniel, but I stopped him.

"Justin." I whispered. He immediately turned around, full attention on me. "Please. No. I just wanna go." My voice said, cracking at the end.  

He nodded, but turned to Daniel. "This isn't over." He snarled. Justin helped me up, but my legs felt weak. I limped for a while, but Justin soon noticed. He bent down, wrapping one arm around the back of my knees, before picking me up, carrying me bridal style. Justin's eyes met mine and he gave me a small nod. 

"Let's go." Justin said to Arianna, Andrea, Hunter, and Chase. They nodded and walked with me, before we heard some voices calling our names.

Justin turned and we saw the guys, except Daniel of course, standing there. 

"What?" Justin harshly asked.

"We're going with you." Connor stated.

Before Justin could protest, Alex spoke up. "We don't wanna be here with Daniel. He fucked up, big time. Plus, we love Christi, not that way. She's like family to us. We don''t wanna see her hurt, so just let us go too. Please?" 

Justin looked at me, as if asking for my permission. I nodded and Justin turned back to the guys. "Alright. You guys can go too." 

They smiled at me and we walked out the door. Justin sat me down in the car, him hugging me as Arianna started the car. I opened the window to get fresh air while we drove, when I saw Daniel standing at the door of their house. He was looking around frantically, before his eyes connected with mine. He opened his mouth to speak, but I just turned away from him.

"Let's go." I whispered. As we drove, I looked back at the house, leaving behind the boy I thought loved me.  


"Christi?" I heard Alex whisper through my door. 

As soon as we got home and inside the house, I ran straight to my room and locked it. Everyone ran after me and tried to get me to open the door, but after about 10 minutes, they gave up. Arianna had told them that I needed alone time to let everything that happened sink in. And she was right. I needed some alone time. I wouldn't be able to think right if I had everyone surrounding me and asking me questions. All that happened about an hour ago and now Alex was knocking on my door. 

I looked at the door and debated if I should let Alex in or not. After a while, I got up and opened the door. Alex was standing in front of me with a plastic bag full of stuff on both of his arms. I looked at the bags, then back to him. 

Dating The Bad Boy { EDITING }Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt