The Elite

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Kai staggered onto the floor. He was weak, exhausted and merely on the verge of giving up.
He breathed heavily and struggled to reach for his weapon until it was kicked farther away by one of the Elite Octolings.

The Elite Octoling steps closer, " It's a shame that you've decided to join sides with the Inklings."

She then bent down eye level to Kai and observed him. She lifted his chin with one finger and purred,
" What a waste of a handsome and strong soldier—with that potential and vital spirit you have..."

Kai stared daggers at the Elite Octoling, it was the only response that he could give at the moment. He couldn't even speak if he wanted to, it would just come out at as a rasp of air: to cry out for help.

She was amused, he could tell. If only she understood that there could be a better life for her in Inkopolis than this dump.

Her smirk then became a frown of disappointment , " Traitor, you know your fate."

Of all things Kai could remember from his past, it was the fate of a traitor. It wasn't exile nor prison.
The Octarians would snag all the information they could get and after that they would rid of the traitor with the sweet scent of death.
Kai breathed heavily, he couldn't think. His mind boiled like a pot on a stove as his vision began to blacken. He felt as if he was falling in a abyss, it's shadow swallowing him hole.

The Elite Octoling then stood up and ordered the Octarians to keep moving.
She looked down at Kai once more, he slumped on the floor. The poor lad had passed out from exhaustion.
She sighed and heaved Kai onto her shoulders and ran off into more of the fog's cloak.

Coral aimlessly ran through the thicket of the fog, it had already been five minutes or so.

" That's enough Agent 3, we can't keep going around in circles like a maniac!" Marie yelled.
Coral kept sprinting, but she soon came to a stop.

" It's gotten awfully quiet, don't you think?" Marie spoke up again.

Coral lifted a finger up to her mouth,
" Shut u—I mean.. quiet. Do you hear that?" Coral whispered.
They both stood still and listened for a noise. It was a click in the air, a quiet mechanical noise could be heard in the distance. They listened more as it came closer..and closer. Maybe too close.

And then nothing. Coral and Marie met eye contact, their eyes both held the look of fear. Coral turned away and a realization hit her as if a comet had pummeled into the face of the earth.

" They won't waste anytime on eliminating the opponent...oh no." Coral remembered.

"RUN!!!" She screamed.

Coral scrambled to a nearby ledge, she had nearly almost gotten killed. If she had not moved within a second she would have been dead.
Marie ran off to the opposite direction towards one of the decaying stone walls as several blast of thermal splatterscopes could be heard firing off.

An Elite Octoling girl and a few other Octarians joined the scene.
Coral wasn't too sure how many of them were there because of the damn fog.

   " It seems you've encountered our thermal splatterscope you like him?" The Elite Octoling girl chuckled.

" Oh, so there is only one of them?" Coral thought.

   She circled the area as two  Octarians guards her in the front and three more followed her from behind.

    " your not gonna respond, give it up you two. Your'e outnumbered and one step from your hiding spot will surely mean death by  our splatterscope friend." The Elite Octoling says.

    The air filled with silence.

   She then pauses and speaks up again, " Don't tell me your trying to think of an escape wouldn't leave your friend behind would you?"

  " They've got Kai!"
Coral thought for a second, she  squinted her eyes through the thick fog and spotted a red light that twinkled. No doubt that was emitting from the thermal splatterscope chargers.

   She threw a splat bomb and a sound of a Octarian screeching was followed after it exploded.

Marie peered from behind the wall and splatted the  Octarians behind and front of the Elite Octoling.

   "Damn you.." The Elite Octoling snarls as she turned to Marie.

  Coral appeared from the fog and tackled the Elite Octoling to the ground, Kai tumbled to the ground as well.

    " Ghhnn..Inkling..s-scum.." The Elite Octoling spat.
   Marie aimed her charger at the Elite Octoling.
" Quiet Octoling.. you try anything, you die. Now how about you start with where agent 1 is?"

   " Go ahead and kill me you scum. I won't tell a thing." The Octoling chuckles. " You Inklings have taken away everything us Octolings have had, maybe life isn't much of a worth of living now anyways.."

  Coral stayed quiet, she felt guilt and sad for the Octoling. What she was about to offer would likely to be rejected but it never  hurts to try.
   " You's not too late. You could start a  new life if you leave the Octarians—and come with us."

   Coral caught a glimpse of Marie's face, she did not look pleased at all but Coral ignored it.

    For a while, the Octoling became hesitant. She stuttered and tried to find a word but quickly became a rush of anger once again.

  " Fools, if you ever think I'll abandon my people like your traitorous freak of yours!" She says and shoves Coral off  of her. The Elite Octoling ran off into the fog, leaving her weapon behind.

  Coral heaved a sigh and quickly focused her attention on Kai. She bent down to her knees.
   " Kai.. Oh god..what did they do to you?!" Coral muttered as she lifted him up.

   " He seems to have taken quite a lot of hits.. must have passed out from exhaustion." Marie says as she circled the two.

   Coral nods, " Right..well we should probably head to somewhere safer to rest. It's getting dark."

   Marie sighs, knowing that Callie must not even be here anymore then.
   " We have a base established here in Octo Canyon. It shouldn't be too far."

  " A-Alright then." Coral responds.

  They head off to the base as the night rose from its grave and tuck the sun away into bed.

Authors note:
Thanks for ur comments and support guys, I actually didn't know that this was going to be read more than I thought it would because of the fact that this is my first real fanfic and I usually prefer reading ones made by other people  but it's good to try new things once in a while.

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