Chapter 16! Page 46!

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Bruce Timm walks up to Collin Reisenauer and says Collin I have some designs for the Batman Beyond movie poster that I want to show you. Bruce Timm says Alex Ross created some of the designs. Emma Watson sends Tony Garcia a sexy picture of herself in the form of a text message that says your getting lucky tonight.

 Emma Watson sends Tony Garcia a sexy picture of herself in the form of a text message that says your getting lucky tonight

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Tony Garcia sees the sexy picture and smiles. Bruce Timm pulls his sketch pad out of his briefcase and shows Collin Reisenauer the designs.

 Bruce Timm pulls his sketch pad out of his briefcase and shows Collin Reisenauer the designs

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Collin Reisenauer smiles. Bruce Timm continues to show Collin Reisenauer the designs.

 Bruce Timm continues to show Collin Reisenauer the designs

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Collin Reisenauer says I love these designs!! Paul Dini walks up to Collin Reisenauer and says I have an idea

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Collin Reisenauer says I love these designs!! Paul Dini walks up to Collin Reisenauer and says I have an idea... It's for an unscripted scene. Collin Reisenauer says okay tell me. Paul Dini says I want us to do a scene that has Bruce Wayne cheering Terry MCGinnis up.

 Paul Dini says I want us to do a scene that has Bruce Wayne cheering Terry MCGinnis up

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Collin Reisenauer says we're definitely going to film that scene. Kevin Conroy walks up to Tony Garcia. Kevin Conroy says remember Terry MCGinnis has a sense of humor.

Tony Garcia says I know Kevin and it's an honor getting to work with you!! Kevin Conroy says your really fun to work with and I loved you as inspector Clouseau in the red hood 3 and Scooby Doo meets Batman

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Tony Garcia says I know Kevin and it's an honor getting to work with you!! Kevin Conroy says your really fun to work with and I loved you as inspector Clouseau in the red hood 3 and Scooby Doo meets Batman. Tony Garcia smiles. The main costume guy takes Tony Garcia's batsuit off of Tony Garcia and puts a different Terry MCGinnis outfit on him. Tony Garcia follows Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the high school that they are using as Terry MCGinnis's high school. Rachel Bilson walks up to Tony Garcia as Terry MCGinnis's girlfriend Dana Tan.

 Rachel Bilson walks up to Tony Garcia as Terry MCGinnis's girlfriend Dana Tan

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