Chapter 44.

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Authors Note

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! So this chapter was suppose to be up yesterday BUT I fell asleep and forgot to save & wattpad deleted my whole chapter (Can you hear me slamming my phone again my forehead?)

Well here it is!

BTW I can't believe I reached 50K yesterday! It's beyond surreal because exactly 2 months ago I started this fanfic and I just can't get over the fact that you guys are reading ...Love you guys!

Please Vote/Comment. 😊🌟

Harry's POV

I'm awoken by the annoying noise of someone knocking on the door. Choosing to ignore it, I begin to turn over in bed, quickly stopping when I feel a sharp pain in the back of my shoulder, my entire body feeling weak and disoriented from my movement.

I slowly open my eyes and to my surprise I see that I'm not in my hotel bed like I had originally thought. My arms are covered in wires and taped down tubes. I look around the room and quickly realize I'm in the hospital.

What the fuck?

I slowly slide myself up in the unfamiliar white bed before looking up and seeing the last motherfucker I'd expect to be at my hospital room after the ass beating I gave him last night.


"What the hell are you wearing on your face?" I blurt out unable to resist the urge of making a comment on his phantom of the opera like appearance.

He must have thought I was still sleeping because for a second he stands frozen before slowly turning his body to face me. With his mouth wide open, he stares at me.

"What the hell are you staring at?" I bark, his eyes glued to me.

"Unbelievable ... the second Anissa leaves you wake up," Mariano says slowly in disbelief as he walks closer to the bed.

"Where the hell am I? And why is all this shit on me?" I snap, ignoring the mention of Anissa's name. Mariano pulls the top of his disheveled hair, letting out a deep breath, followed by the fakest, most annoying laugh I've ever heard.

"What the fuck's so funny?" I ask, my voice laced with the irritation I feel from clearly missing out on something.

"I see being unconscious hasn't changed you're asshole demeanor," Mariano says as he walks over to the nightstand near the bed I'm on, pushing a blue button.

Before I can ask any more questions the door opens and a nurse rushes in.

"Hola, empujastes el botón (Hello, you pushed the button)," The nurse says quickly in Spanish.

"Se despertó ( He woke up)," Mariano says in cheerful response pointing toward me.

"Ay que bueno, dejame llamar al medico (Oh, how great, let me call the doctor)" The nurse says with a huge grin on her face before quickly rushing out of the room.

"What the fucks going on? What did you tell her?" I question aggressively.

"I told her you woke up," Mariano says simply, as if it were obvious.

"Why?" I snap. He laughs again.

"You don't remember anything do you?" He asks me with an amused expression as he takes a seat near my bed,"Hopefully that's the only thing you can't remember."

"Remember what?" I say with frustration,"Can you stop speaking all cryptic and just answer the fucking questions I'm asking you," I demand.

As Mariano opens his mouth to speak I hear a knock at the door before it opens again.

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