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Sasha Pieterse as Aimee (pronounced Amy)


Waking up the next morning was hard. Painful even.

I turn onto my stomach and stuff my face into the pillow, taking a deep breath I drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom. I finish my morning routine slightly more awake and stand in front of my closet.

My last school was uniform so my outfit was already picked for me, but now I have to pick something every day. This is going to be very hard and annoying.

Finally deciding on just some simple high waisted blue jeans, and a fitted grey t-shirt I put on some lipgloss and mascara, grab my phone, and head downstairs.

Entering the kitchen Grandma Rose is already sitting down with a cup of tea and cinnamon apple oatmeal.

"Good morning." I walk to the fridge for some orange juice deciding to take the chance with my brushed teeth.

"Morning dear, sleep well?" She asks taking a sip from her mug.

"Yeah, the rain just lulled me to sleep." I responded wincing at the taste in my mouth.

"Well that's good, I'm glad. Also, Marge wanted me to tell you her grandsons name is Xavier and he has agreed to drive you home today."

"Okay sounds good to me." I grab some toast with butter and start munching on it to help the taste in my mouth.

As Grandma Rose was getting ready to leave for work and drop me to school, a thought popped into my head.

"Wait, how am I supposed to know what Xavier looks like?" I sit on the steps to the bedrooms and slip on my Vans.

"Oh, well, it's not a big school and Marge told him to lookout for a new girl so I'm sure it will be just fine." She slips on her jacket and grabs the keys.

"If you say so." I grab my bag and a cardigan as I follow her out the door and towards the car.

The ride to school is relatively quiet with only the radio playing in the background, my thoughts and nerves running wild.

As Grandma Rose pulls up to the school and parks out front, I freeze and stare out the window as if I don't realize I need to get out. Students standing around outside, soaking in the warm sun before having to surrender to the fluorescent lights.

I take a deep breath and turn towards my grandmother, a knowing smile on her face.

"Don't you worry dear, you'll be just fine." She rubs my shoulder comfortingly before all but shoving me out of the car.

I wave goodbye and make my way up the steps passing the front doors into the foyer. I navigate my way to the main office, which thankfully has a sign, and walk up to the front desk waiting for a secretary.

The warning bell sounds as I'm waiting and a man walks out from a room and sits at the desk to greet me.

"Good morning, what can I help you with?" He asks with a smile much too bright for being this early.

"Hi I'm new today's my first day, my grandmother registered me last week and I was supposed to bring my papers and get my schedules and stuff.

"Ah yes the Canadian, Miss Rose called in about you."

"Yep, that's me." I place the papers on the desk with a strained smile.

The Canadian. That's gonna get very annoying, very quickly.

After some time reading them over he stands with them clutched in his hand.

"I'll just give these to Mrs.Turner, print out your schedule with your locker number, and send you on your way." He walks away back to the room I now know is an office.

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