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Grace had one of those nightmares, one of the nightmares where she needed immediate comfort. Almost as if it were a reflex she walked across the hall to Charlie's room. She knocked on the door, he was quick to answer. Grace didn't even say anything, she just walked into his room and face planted on his bed. She made herself into a ball, Charlie gulped and got into the bed.

She fell asleep almost instantly, Charlie didn't know what to do. He reluctantly placed his hand on her waist, Grace moved her position, she grabbed Charlie's hand. Charlie smiled to himself, nudging his head against her back.

Charlie felt bad for loving her... She was just so beautiful and funny and caring. But Percy was also very much still in love with her. Grace rolled over, putting her arm across Charlie's torso.

"Percy," she muttered.

Charlie's eyes widened, he was a bit shocked and hurt, he rubbed her shoulder, she rested her head in the crook of his neck. They were actually having a cuddle session, sure Grace was dreaming it was Percy, but Charlie needed this. He needed her.

Falling for PercyWhere stories live. Discover now