Chapter 15 History With Lloyd's Past And Mine

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Your Pov

I walked on the path up to Sensei Wu's Academy, which used to be a school for bad boys. I was out for the day by myself, it felt good being alone for a bit. Besides running into a few fans, it was good.

Once I reach the top of the hill, I saw the students were having lunch outside. They looked up and saw me then came running towards me. Crowding the path to the building saying nicknames for me and wanting other stuff.

"Hey. Hey. Hey!" a voice called out to the children, who didn't listen. 

I lifted my head up and noticed Jay standing next to Kai, Cole, and Zane.

"Okay, okay. Break it up!" Kai yelled pushing through the crowd, grabbing ahold of my arm. He pulled me out of the crowd of kids and into the academy.

"Thanks, guys," I smiled at them walking into the teacher's lounge.

I fell down on the couch sighing in relief as I slipped off my shoes, even though it was my day off. It was exhausting. That little crowd tired me too, even if it was the whole school of kids. Who am I kidding, it was the whole school.

"How was your day off?" a voice chuckled from behind me. I looked up above me and saw Lloyd smiling down at me. His blonde hair was falling slowly onto his face.

"Hey, blondie," I beamed smiling up at him. "It was exhausting but amazing."

"Hey Y/n? Can you move your feet?" Cole asked of me.

"Yeah, yeah," I stood up walking to the fridge to get my f/f from there.

I grabbed my food and sat down on the love seat. I began eating my food.

Viewing the area, my eyes scanned the room seeing the ninja there. THen something caught my eyes.

"Lloyd put on a shirt!" I screamed covering my eyes.

"Why?" Lloyd asked.

"Your half naked!"


I felt something on me, like on my shirt. I uncovered my eyes and looking down. I had my f/f all over my shirt, the one I liked.

"Why..." I complained getting up with my messy f/f.

I threw it in the trash as I walked to the stairs, then stopped.

"Why don't I just bring my own clothes back?" I walked back.

Lloyd was about to put his shirt on, finally, then stopped.

"Here. You need it more than me," Lloyd held out his shirt to me. It was a light green one.

I sighed loudly, "Fine..." I grabbed he shirt and headed up to my room.

My room was a simple place for me to sleep in. Though much better than that abanded building before. My f/c walls with white trims. A bed, a dresser with nothing in it because I haven't moved all my clothes yet, a mirror, and a desk.

I slipped off my top revealing my f/c lacey bra, not only that. The scar from the battle against Garmadon. I wave of emotions hit, from the final battle to my life with my adopted parents.

I couldn't hold onto my messy shirt, I dropped it to the ground. I slowly walked to my bed grabbing Lloyd's shirt. Sitting down I held it close to me. 

"Why did they ever take me in?" I mumble. 

"I could have done better without them."

A warm liquid slipped softly down my face. More came with that, as my fingertips ran along my scars on my stomach. 

"No, I have to be strong," I wiped my eyes with the shirt in my hand before slipping it on. 

Getting off my bed, I noticed the shirt was huge on me. Lloyd his much bigger than be, compared to me I'm a peanut. 

The white jean shorts I have on were gone, the shirt covered them. Making me look naked from the waist down. 

"Y/n! Wu wants your shoes back on the mat!"


My voice was a little off about the few tears I cried, even still. I made my way down the stairs to the lounge.

I didn't make eye contact with them, quickly getting my shoes. I placed them down on the mat with the others, I turned around looking up. Taking the path back to my room.

A hand wrapped around my wrist, I looked up to see who. Of crouse, it was Lloyd Garmadon. 

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied trying to get my wrist back to me. I couldn't.

"Don't lie to me. Your voice is off, the eyes are red and watery, and the water on the shirt," Lloyd describe every detail that shows that you cried. 

My e/c eyes just couldn't stop staring at his own light green ones. His symphony was raying off his eyes, that no one could ever forget. Lloyd's arms slipped around my waist, as I stood in shock. I felt the warm tear falling saying it was okay.

I couldn't help but allow my arms to wrap around his upper torso, placing my face into his chest. I feel as if it was time, to tell them. About my past. 

"Lloy... Lloyd..."


I lifted my head up to his, who was looking down at me. "It's about my adopted parents."

Lloyd's grip loosens on me, I take my chances to leave him warmth to the couch.

"What is it?" Nya spoke up.

"My adopted parents, Aria and Eli, they..." I trailed off having awful flashbacks of what they did back then.

"You don't have to do it now. We can always wait," Kai came up and patted my head.

I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, "If I don't do it now. I'll have more breakdowns like this, making excuses why. I don't want to be weak in front of all of you."

"I can remember as I far as I could, they were always nice. I was never spoiled, I would get dessert once a week, new clothes at the beginning of the year. It seemed normal, but it was a lie," I paused eyes viewing the wood as the floor.

I take a deep breath and released it, "If I didn't one thing wrong. I was punished. Either no food for the rest of the night or you sleep outside with a pillow and a case."


"They treated you that bad?" Lloyd sits down beside me.

I nod my head eyes never leaving the cold floor. "Sometimes longer based on what I did wrong. Especially when they saw this." I grew a light in my hand showing all of them. 

"It was a three-day punishment. No food and no shelter. I refused to run away because I never believe anyone would take me in, but I was wrong," I left out a small laugh looking at all of them I could never live without. 

"When they saw me do it again outside their door at night. They came out and slapped me. Their words were, 'Never come here ever again. If you do, you'll never light again'."

"So I left with nothing. Weeks later after taking that abandoned building, I traveled to a school that I've heard rumors about. It was here," I look to Lloyd. 

"You were that kid? The one-"

"Yes. At the end of there school day, I was able to get a small amount of food there a few times a week. Making it last a week longer or less depending on the amount."

"Sorry," Lloyd spoke gently.


"I could have you food or a place or-" 

"I survived. That is all that matters. Besides, you didn't know it was me," I smile softly at him.

"Well now I know, and I won't let that ever happen again."

"Nor will we," Cole added.

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