Thirty || Proceed With Caution

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|| Proceed With Caution

Liam stared widely at his alpha, anger brewing in his chest. "What do you mean 'no,' Scott?"

"Liam, look at her," Scott begged. "She's too weak. It will kill her."

Jacy forced open the vet clinic door with her shoulder, the teen falling in on a fumbled conversation. "Too weak for what?" Jacy asked, pushing sopping wet hair from her face.

"For the bite," Liam replied. "He won't give it to her."

Hayden, huddled in the corner with Theo nearby, didn't voice her opinion, eyes almost completely shut.

     The smell of death hung in the air like cheap perfume.

"Liam, we don't even know what the mercury's doing to her," Scott attempted, his voice low. "We don't even know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her life."

"It saved mine," Liam replied with grit.

"Well that was different. You were hanging off a ledge."

"You promised." Liam stepped closer to his alpha, boldness growing. "You said you'd do everything you could."

"Easy, Dunbar," said Jacy lightly, arms folded over her chest.

"Which," Scott said to Liam, "is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill her." He took in a breath, expression subtly changing. "There has to be -" Scott worked for his breath. "There has to-"

"Scott," Jacy interrupted quietly, removing an inhaler from her pocket before pressing it into his palm.

Scott graciously took the inhaler, shaking it violently. Sucking deeply, he spoke again to his beta once recovering. "There's another way to save her."

"Guys," Theo chimed in, "I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this. We need to do something."

But there was little to be done but wait for the Perigee-syzygy.


Allison Argent walked through the main doors of the Sheriff's Station, hair damp from the earlier rain that had now ceased. Brown eyes wandered the hallway as she moved along it, soon finding what she'd been sent for.


The strawberry blonde stirred softly on an uncomfortable bench, drooping eyes finding a blurry image of Allison go clear. "Hmm," Lydia mused. "It still catches me off guard sometimes. You. You actually being here."

"As flattered as I am, Lyds," Allison said, squeezing her cheek slightly, "you need to go home. Jacy sent me to see if you were still here, and you are. Jordan will be just fine."

"I can stay here," she said, playing it off mildly. "I'll be okay here."

"No, Lydia, you need to leave the police station," Allison replied. "He sounds like he's not going to budge, so you might as well sleep in your own bed."

Lydia rubbed under her eyes before cracking her neck. "Okay, fine." She stood up slowly, stretching along the way.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Allison told her, kissing her on the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you, too," Lydia sleepily said, gathering her things before heading out of the police station with her keys jingling in hand.

Allison watched Lydia on her exit, confirming the strawberry blonde truly left before walking further into the building.

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