17. Life's Cruising... Into Rocks And Problems

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After the events of the party, I am left quite shaken. Of course, I realise that I was OK with Bailey kissing me because I do like him. It had totally slipped my mind that he was kind of drunk and high even though I could taste it. Then Bailey got a bit too excited. Now I'm wondering if he just invited me because he wasn't getting any other girls. There were plenty fawning over him at that party, I'm sure of it. Speaking of girls and the party, who is Pinky? I know she doesn't go to our school because the pink hair would definitely stand out. They must go to Eddie's school. It looked like they knew each other.

I get up in the morning rather tired. I'm exhausted from the trouble from last night. I get dressed and grab my KFC uniform. I've got work straight after school. I have some breakfast, clean my teeth and drive to school.

I sit in the car for a few moments when I arrive. I really hope Bailey hasn't said anything bad about me or spread any rumours. It's most likely that Bianca had done that. I don't know why I thought Bailey would do that. He's got a good heart but I just don't like the fact that he would happily get drunk and take drugs and then proceed to kiss me while drunk and high! Like, what the hell! Maybe Bailey just didn't have the guts to kiss me or admit he likes me while sober. Still, he didn't have to just take advantage of me like that.

When I finally decide to leave the solace of my car, the bell has gone to homeroom. I sigh, knowing I'll be late to homeroom if I'm too slow. I rush to my locker and grab out my science and drama book. Then, I rush off to homeroom.

During homeroom, Mr Barnes asks me to come up to his desk. I furrow my brows wondering what this is about. I wasn't late. I got to homeroom just as everyone was entering. Does he know about what happened at the party? How does he know? I'm overthinking this way too much.

"Miss Well," Mr Barnes says. "I haven't had a chance to catch up with you. Come and see me at break time in my office. Bring your lunch."

"OK," I say.

"If you brought any," Mr Barnes adds in a whisper.

I head back to my desk next to Teddy and George and we talk a bit. They ask me if I went to the party at Newt's place and I tell them I did. They didn't go.

When the bell rings I say goodbye to the boys then head to my science class. Layla, Freya and Thomas are in my class. I'm glad Thomas is there so I can talk to him about what happened. I don't want this getting around so I don't want to tell too many people but I really trust Eddie and Thomas.

I sit with Thomas and while we work, I tell him everything that happened at the party. He doesn't seem surprised that Bailey would do such a thing.

"It's normal popular boy behaviour," he says, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but this was one time," I say, getting defensive.

"Yes. And one time isn't no times, is it?"


"Exactly. Sorry, Marty, but I don't really think Bailey can change his attitude towards drinking and drugs."

"I know." Because I do know. I know that Bailey took them willingly. He happily chugged that eighth beer and took the vape pen for the eighth time last night.

"Don't expect him to change just because he likes you and you think you can change him. It's not gonna happen," Thomas says. "Sorry to be so harsh."

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