11 | The One With The Kiss

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Madhav pulls away from Shree as they hear a knock on the door. "Don't cry, Shree" he whispers as he tucks a stray fringe of hair behind her ear, looking at her eyes. Shree looks at Madhav and nods. He smiles as he runs a finger over her soft supple lips; slowly and gently; and then looks back at her eyes. Shree looks at the fresh wound on his chest.

"Does it hurt?"

"It did hurt throughout the night," Madhav says as he holds her hand. Shree looks up at him, she quickly presses a kiss on the wound and hugs him to his sweet surprise.

"I'll be alright." Madhav says as he caresses her messy black hair. "That crook sure is a good football player. I'm glad those kicks didn't break any-"

Another loud knock interrupts them.

"You should answer that door, sir." Shree says as she pulls away from him. He nods and walks towards the door. "I'd recommend you wear some clothes, sir."

Madhav nods and walks into the room to retrieve a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts. He returns in a flash dressed in a black tee-shirt with white stripes and a pair of khaki shorts. He opens the door to see a fair man of his height holding many bags in his hand. He looked annoyed.

"What took you so long?" he exclaims as he closes the door shut and walks into the house. "I've been standing out in your doorstep for almost five minutes, ringing the bell and knocking at this door. While I hold all these things you asked your best friend of a minion to fetch!"

"Chill, Ashok!" Madhav exclaimed rolling his eyes. "I swear I'll return the favor when your girlfriend Ahaana gets drunk."

"She's not my girlfriend!" Ashok grunted as he kept the big bags on the dining table. "And you won't go through the mental trauma I went through, that's for sure. I had to drive your car, half way through the city to that carwash which uses the premium car wash detergents. I got caught in traffic for half an hour! Also, you seriously need to get some quality air fresheners in your car, for fuck's sake it smells of cat vomit inside!"

"That was vomit." Madhav said as he looked into a bag and took out a pack of potato chips. Ashok's left eye twitched in disgust. "But it wasn't a cat's. It was a human's."

"You mean someone vomited in your car?" Ashok asks in disgust.

"Who vomited in your car?" Shree asks as she walks in.

Madhav choked on the potato chips and looked at her with wide eyes in disbelief. "You don't know?" Shree shrugged and Madhav let out a mocking chuckle "I like how you take your chances when it comes to running away from the bad, with that innocent face of yours. You dented my car first, and now you vomit all over my car seat!"

"I did not!" Shree asked in distrust.

"Yes, you fucking vomited all over my seat and my shirt!" Madhav exclaimed.

"She needs to know the other stuff she did, Maddy." Ashok chipped in. "I thought women were as light as a feather but last night I got to know that some can be as heavy as an elephant."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Shree asked partly offended.

"We work for the same company. I'm Ashok, from the Marketing division." He says as he extends a hand to her.

"Shree Prasad from-from the-"

"My secretary." Madhav finishes as he walks near her and rests his arm on her shoulder.

"Yes, yes. I'm his secretary." Shree confirms smiling.

Ashok smiles and walks into the kitchen.

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