While You're There ~ Lloyd

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Vanessa was troubled, her caretaker was just kidnapped before her eyes and there was no way she'd be able to tell a bystander when they couldn't understand sign language.

Her bottom lip was quivering as she forced fat tears out of her eyes, trying to make her vision clear. There was absolutely no sign of you, or of any police officer.

She furiously wiped tears away, her insecurity about her voice, or rather, lack of, had her blaming herself.

Because of her own disability, you could be in trouble, or worse.

Putting her chin up, she tried to look for someone who could help her, or at least be able to understand some simple signs without thinking that she had lost her parents.

She spotted a bright colored gi in the distance and tears of relief began streaming down her face as she ran towards the green ninja.

She tackled him (his leg actually) and dried her tears on his pant leg, but they didn't seem to stop. She was scared, very scared.

"Woah! Hey!" Lloyd picked her up, getting a better look at her wet face and she clung to his neck.

"A-Aren't you from the hospital?"

She nodded.

"Wait, it's—Isn't it (Y/N)'s slot right now?"

She nodded again.

"Sweetie, where is (Y/N)?"

She wiggled out of his arms to crouched at the sandbox before her and dragged her small finger through the sand.


Lloyd's blood drained from his face.

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Asmodeus had long before uncuffed your hands, which gave you the freedom to help yourself to the pizza that he had ordered for you, well that you ordered for yourself but paid for with his money.

He was actually very insecure about his tendency to draw out his S's, which surprised you, I mean, he is a snake.

But regardless, as you stuffed your face with cheesy garlic bread, you didn't really mind his linguistic defect.

"What were you doing at the park anyway?"

You froze, suddenly remembering that you had left Vanessa there.

You left a child in the park.


And unsupervised.

And she couldn't speak!

Your breath hitched and you looked at Asmodeus with wide eyes, "We left Vanessa at the park!"

You stood up abruptly.

"I left a 6 year old girl in the park alone."

"Best. Babysitter. Ever."

Alright, so I have been meaning to tell you guys the series of the break up saga

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Alright, so I have been meaning to tell you guys the series of the break up saga. So it goes like this:

1. Break Up

2. You've Moved On

3. Things Aren't Normal

4. You Argue

5. Trouble

6. While you're there

7. Saved

8. Back Together

9.  Back To How It Was

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