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Chanyeol 's pov.

I have a plan to make him go away,,,,

Byun baek Hyun you are going to know that I don't do shts

Am going to make you go away,,,

Channie can we go to my house

No bby I want to go home to kick that sht out of my house

Okay bby

I went home and didn't see him anywhere

Maybe he is sleeping

I was about to go upstairs when mom came

Son he left

Who Momy

Baek left who else

Why did you let him leave what if he stole my things

Calm down he left with nothing I was here

I went upstairs to see everything was as always

I looked at the money and they were normal too

I saw a letter on bed

After I finished reading I re_read it again

You are a fool and a wicked you should have left when am here

I threw the paper and the phone,,,

You are not the one to decide for me whom I should stay with you fool

I was so angry

So stupid like I care you left

Love War season 2(chanbaek, hunhan) Where stories live. Discover now