A truth

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Author-chan: Hey guys! I'm bored out of my mind and also theres no dares yet so~ I have a favor...

Everyone: what is it Author-chan/love/dudett/bella?

Author-chan: Well~







We're Gonna Reveal some of your secrets so...TRUTH TIME!!!

America: *drops burger* A truth!!!

England: *spits out tea* A Bloody truth!!!

France: *drops croissant dramatically* A truth!!!

China:*drops his plushies* A truth aru!!!

Russia:*Looking at Author-chan with a creepy closed eyed smile* A truth da? ^J^

Germany: *chokes on beer* Vhat zhe hell a truth!!!

Italy: *terrified*Ve~ We have a truth why bella!?

Romano : *Drops his tomatoes* *lets just say a lot of swearing*

Spain: *Let's go of his turtles* A truth Chica!?!

Japan: *drops manga* N-Nani! A truth!?

Finland: *grabs his shotgun* Whoever reveals my personal truths I will shot your *bleep*ing *bleep*!?

Sweden:*drops IKEA blueprints* A truth? *terrified face* No!

Everyone else (Yes even the emotionless characters) : *terrified looks*An Effeing Truth What did we do to deseve this!?!?

Author-chan: ok I know you guys are shock but I wanna know some things from you guys so please~~? *puppy eyes*

Everyone: Fine!

Author-chan: Yay! So my first truth is






England: Bloody hell!! How come I'm first out of all of the wankers in here!!! And don't call me that!

Author-chan: Because 1)because I want to and 2) I can call you guys by your nicknames Like for example Germany's nickname for me is Luddy, America's Alfie, Italy's Feli, Romano's Lovi, Finland's finny, and many more

Guys mentioned: *blushes*

England: Fine let's get this over with!

Author-chan: Ok so Iggy do you Love Alfie?

England: What the bloddy hell!*a blushing mess*

America: Yeah Artie do you love me?

England: Why should I answer that you bloody wanker!!! Yes I did Love you before!!! *crying* but you left me like everyone else!! Does everyone in my life always leave me alone?!! that's why I promise myself to never to fall in love again!!
You fighting me for your Independence left a huge hole in my heart so-*cries even more*

America: *shock and also crying* A-Artie I-I'm s-s-sorry *hugs England* I'm so sorry!

Everyone: * half shock and the other half crying*
CLIFF HANGER Sorry I have test at a moment so sorry that I updated late Ciao don't forget to send some truth or dare!

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