Ryan Seaman x Reader - One Distinctive Feature

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: alkohol
Word count: 2 520
About half a year before I heard about Ryan for the first time I started dyeing my hair blue ^^

The bar was smoky and cramped with people. You wound your way through to the bar where you ordered a glass of whiskey. The bartender eyed you confused for a moment, but then he started preparing your drink. You were used to this reaction when people noticed your hair color. It was not every day that someone with bright blue hair walked past them. Subconsciously you ran your fingers through your hair, your eyes scanning the crowd around you. Some men were loudly talking next to you, something about sports that you were not interested in. Several girls were dancing to the loud music, obviously drunk already. You shook your head. Why would someone get drunk like that, you wondered. You were here to take the edge off; one glass was enough for that. Today had been rough. You had run so many errands for your boss that you were sure you deserved a medal for the speed and endurance. Maybe you should participate in a marathon, you were working out enough at the office as it seemed.

The bartender placed your glass in front of you and you paid with a friendly smile, which he deliberately ignored. Whatever.

You were about to stand up from your place at the counter, when suddenly a hand landed on your shoulder. Surprised you turned around. You were met with the sight of a young man, his most distinctive feature being his brightly blue dyed hair. You could not help the grin that tucked at your lips as you stared at the doe-eyed man.

"Nice hair color," he grinned, "It really fits you!"

"Right back at you," you answered.

You quickly took him in. He was a little taller than you, blue hair, brown eyes, some short, brown stubble, a leather jacket, some band shirt and plain jeans.

"You look better with it, I insist," he grinned, seemingly not noticing your quick analysis.

"I doubt that," you frowned, the grin still clearly displayed in your face.

"No, trust me. You look amazing," he told you, patting your shoulder.

"Well, in that case: thank you," you smiled.

"I'm Ryan by the way," he introduced himself.

"(Y/n), nice to meet you," you offered him your hand which he shook.

"Are you here alone," Ryan wondered, glancing over your shoulder to see if you had company.

"Yeah, just here to take the edge of a bit," you explained, casually gesturing around the room.

"Well, you can sit with us, my friend Dallon and me, I mean," he invited, and quickly added, "but only if you like!"

Of course you did not turn such an offer, especially not when it came from such a charming person with bright blue hair.

You spent a lot longer in that bar than you had originally planned. The whiskey was followed with lots of sodas. You spent the whole night talking to Ryan and Dallon, who told you they were playing in a band together. At the end of the night, Ryan insisted on walking you home, since it had started raining and you had no umbrella, but he did. You were already in your pajama, your teeth brushed, when suddenly there was a ringing at your doorbell. Confused you opened up, only to be met with the sight of a slightly disheveled Ryan.

"We didn't exchange numbers," he panted.

"Oh dear, did you run," you giggled, stepping aside to let him in.

He brushed a lock of wet, blue hair out of his forehead and nodded.

"Wanted to catch you before you go to bed," he confessed, taking his shoes off outside. "Couldn't- ugh- use the umbrella-" he took a deep breath trying to steady his heartbeat from the late night exercise.

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