Hopelessly, endlessly, unconditionally

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The moon shined brightly in the dark night sky. Stars sparkled just about everywhere, and chilliness in the air was a welcome contrast to the humidity of the previous day. Nevertheless, the young woman standing outside on the clearing was slowly starting to get cold. A young man walked up to her from behind. His approach made no sound, and when he got close enough he let out a soft "hey" as not to startle the woman.

The hug that followed was a simple enough gesture - his strong arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. She smiled, moved her hands up to meet his but didn't turn around. Instead, she leaned against him, her gaze up to the stars above them. Will rested his chin on her shoulder, but his eyes followed her gaze up. His newly-wed wife sighed.

"Don't you ever have to stop everything for a moment just to think about how we got where we are?"

"What do you mean?" Alyss squeezed his arms.

"Think about it... if Halt would have just decided to join the forces at another spot, he'd never met your father."

"If he'd even met Crowley," Will said, "And if Morgarath's coup wouldn't have been any more effective. If your parents hadn't passed away. Guess we've got something to thank Morgarath for." Will felt her lips move up in a smile. After a few seconds, Alyss continued.

"It's not just that, though. You could've died a hundred times and in none of those situations would I have been standing here with you now. There were so many other possible outcomes, each depending on another movement, another decision, some of them dating back so many years. It's almost as if fate wanted us to end up here, together."

It was Will's time to smile. "Almost," he said. Alyss freed herself from his embrace and turned around to face him. He noticed she never let go of his hands.

"You don't believe in fate?"
"I'm not sure I believe in anything, fate or God. I only believe in my own senses."

"And what are your senses telling you?" She pressed herself against him, her eyes seeking his. He could feel her warm breath on his lips and smiled.

"That I love you. And that I'll always love you. That all those other possible outcomes don't matter. We are where we are, nothing can and nothing will change that. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I will risk my life another hundred times if it means that in the end, I will be coming home to you. And now that we're married, I have the opportunity to love you hopelessly, endlessly, unconditionally, for every day until death does us part. And I will. Always."

Alys pressed her lips against his, into a kiss that said more than a thousand words ever could. When they parted, moments later, they stood looking at each other. And as he saw the stars reflected in her grey eyes, Will knew that he would love her, even beyond death.

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Short piece of Wilyss fluff for y'all. It's been three years since I started this account, and it's been truly wonderful. Thank you all so much <3

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