Secret Story 6 - Handmade Dream

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~This is when I'd just started dating Mina.

One evening...

"Well then, Mina I'm going to bed soon."

"Yeah, goodnight."

But...The truth is, recently I've been lying in bed here, completely unable to sleep.

The reason is...somethings troubling me.

(I've finally, become Mina's girlfriend...)

(But in all honesty I don't know what to do, this is the first time I'd been in a relationship...)

(I guess I ...should learn to cook for starters...)

I've always hidden how bad I am at cooking after that incident with him, but...)

Anyway, I want to be able to feed my love with tasty treats, there's a saying that a way to man heart is to his stomach...

"Alright! In this case..."

From then...

"Uh, first, I cut these..."

I, started secretly practicing cooking in the kitchen every night.

Then, one day...

"T-Tegemi? What are you doing?"


Rei comes up pitter pattering, probably to get water or something.

"You're cooking? This late at night..."

"Well...uh, this is..."

(There's no use hiding it now...)

Drawing a small breath, I speak frankly about my cooking practice.

"I see, in that case, Tegemi, I'll join your cooking practice."



"Please make something tasty for Mina, sometimes." She said cheerfully.

"Oh, thanks!"

From that day, Rei helps out with my midnight cooking practice.

I think of Mina as I work on my cooking skills.

(Bringing handmade cooking to my boyfriend, it's like a dream.)

(Wait a bit, Mina!)

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now