Secret Story 8 - The Dare

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After we finish the dare...

Before we sleep, the headmistress invites me for a drink.

"Alright then, headmistress."



We lightly clink our cans together.

And slowly work on our drinks.

"Tegemi, you got old enough to drink without me noticing."


"I'm glad the day I can drink with you like this, headmistress."

"Me, too."

Drawing a breath, the headmistress begins talking about tonight.

"Although...good work on the dare, Tegemi."

"I never thought I'd do it again as an adult."

As I say this, the headmistress narrows her eyes in nostalgia.

"I remember when you were a child~"

"Do you remember when you did it as a child?"

"I remember."

"That time, the other staff took the role of the monsters."


"But, you were so surprised by the monsters..."

"That I threw my flashlight at them."

"It hit Owamura's head and knocked him cold."

"Since then, the staff doesn't want to play the monsters anymore."

"I did apologize to Mr.Owamura at that time, though."

"Ahahaha, yes you did, but it's in all good fun."

"Besides you were young back then, I was just reminiscing."

The headmistress says this as she gives a small smile.

"How was the dare this time? Is it scary?"

"Of course it was..."

As I'm about to say scary I swallow the word

"A bit scary..."

"Oh, really? Why is that?"

"Yeah, because Mina is with me."

The headmistress gently smiles at my words.

"That's good to hear."

Although it happened that we lost the map...

(Mina back there...was really manly.)

(He was really cool,)

I give a small smile as I realize I have such a good, kind dependable boyfriend.

(Thanks a lot, Mina.)

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now