Secret Story 9 - The Last Night

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The day before the Famille' breaks up.

I talk to Mina and return to my room...but I can't sleep at all.

(Tomorrow, we go on our separate ways, the girls will return to their homes.)

(I never thought this day would come...)

(From tomorrow...)

(I can't live with Mina...)

Just thinking that, gradually brings me back to tears.

"Mina and I will be separated..."

(Crying won't change anything...)

Scrubbing my tears away, I tell myself.

(I-It's alright, I'm just overthinking things abit.)

(It's not as though living separately from Mina means I'll never see him again...)

(I can see him whenever I want to...)

And Mina will come over to my house whenever he wants. And I'll hang out at, his place.

(Yeah, that will be its own kind of fun.)


But, compared to before, we'll go longer without seeing each other, knowing him his going to have a hard time looking for a place to stay since I heard from the headmistress that he donated a large sum of money to the orphanage to keep it in operation...

What if he has no place to go...

(And, after I think about that...)

I get...helplessly sad and thinking that my love is going to struggle alone gives pain in my heart.

If there's anything I can do, I want us to be together forever.

I think so strongly...

(I really love Mina!)

Teas start spilling one after another.

I've tried to bear it somehow but I give up.


(I'm going to cry today but tomorrow, I'll greet the final day with a smile.)

Is what I tell myself...

Alone in my room, I cry silently.

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now