Here, There, And Everywhere

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" Here,
making each day of the year...
Changing my life with a wave of her hand. Nobody can deny that there's something there... "


"John." I shook John a bit to wake him up. It was nearly 7:20. We had forty minutes.

"John?" I repeated, shaking the boy a bit harsher.

"...John!" I finally shouted.

"Fuck!" He shot up, "...Macca, what the Hell are ye doin'! What're ye yellin' at me for? Hardly sunrise, yet."

"Don't be so sure, Lennon. Look at the time!" I giggled, showing him my watch.

He placed his glasses on his face, "Shit! We gotta go, Macca, the café's clear across the bleedin' city!"

"Yeah, perhaps that's why I've been screamin' in yer damn ear to get the Hell up, ye wanker!" I hovered the boy and got close into his face as I spoke.

"Ah, don't pretend like ye hate me, now." John smirked and pushed me off of him playfully. "But we ...gotta go, now, Macca!"

We both threw on random outfits sloppily and ran downstairs.

Aunt Mimi was sitting at the dining room table sipping a hot cup of tea. "And where are you boys heading off so early, this morning?"


"Shit! We never even asked-" John turned to me and whispered.

"Eh hem!" She tempted for an answer.

"Mimi..." John stepped forward.

"Yes, John?" She said in a stressed yet intrigued voice.

"We're off to Hamburg, Germany!" He spat out. "Thought ye'd oughta know."

Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Like Hell you are! John, you're not going anywhere outside of Liverpool!" She shouted. "And that's final."

"It's for the band! This is a once in a lifetime chance, Auntie!" He protested. "This club owner came in the other day and ...He offered us a set-time everynight for the entire bloody break! Ain't that somethin'?!"

She stayed silent for just a moment, presumably collecting her thoughts.

"If I were to let you boys go... when would ye two be back..?" She reeled back a bit.

"A week and a half from today." I announced.

She rubbed her temples, "But the holidays! You're gonna miss-"

"Aunt Mimi... please..." John begged. "We're adults, now. We can handle ourselves."

"You're still in secondary school, John, let's not get too carried away." She rolled her eyes.

The older woman stood up and gave John a hug. She seemed very solemn not to see her boy on holiday. Understandably so.

"Please be safe, don't make me regret this." She sniffled.

John's face looked upset but still full of light, "Thank ye, Aunt Mimi. Yer a real life-saver, ye know?" He hugged her tightly and then we were out of the door!

"It's ten 'till 8, Johnny, we'll never make it in time." I sighed.

"Well... Let's run, then." John suggested.

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