Chapter 24

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Maya's pov

" thank you love" Nik smirked at me and he sped to the human and bit into his arm and flipped him over to the floor and Stefan grabbed ahold of him.

" no!" the girls screamed showing her glows ticks eyes but Nik grabbed her by her neck killing her.

" Nik let glowsticks go" I told him he was suffocating her.

" feed Ray or I will and the only problem is I don't know when to stop" Stefan looked at Ray with a vicious expression

" its the new order sweetheart you join us or you die" Nik told the helpless girl

" I would rather die than become a vampire" she hissed

" wrong choice" he said to her and gave her his blood and snapped his neck.

" she'll thank me for that later" he smirked and I just sighed.

" I wouldn't thank you for killing me" I told him

" your one of a kind love" he tried to flirt and my cheeks did blush.

Im so stupid!

" OK... Who's next" he smirked

Nik has killed all of those were wolves they'll be in transition as soon as they wake up. Nik was feeding the human so he can feed the other werewolves when they wake up.

" now you relax mate we're going to need you when the rest wake up" he stood up and I juts lated on a massive rock with my knees up

" I hope all this work doesn't disrupt you your highness" Stefan said to me leaning against a tree

" no don't you worry I'm perfectly comfortable here" I teased back and all I got back was a grin.

Stefan grabbed me off the rock and got me by the arm and took me to where Nik and Ray was.

" Urgh you always were the buzz kill" I moaned

" you k... Ki... Killed them all" Ray stuttered out his words

" he's going through transition he should feel better soon" Nik told us

" so is this your master plan to build an army of hybrid slaves" Stefan asked

" not slaves soldiers, comrades" Nik told him

" what war might I ask?" I asked. There's no war not anymore not after he killed Elena.

" you don't arm yourself after war has been declared stefan  you build an army so big that no one ever minds picking a fight" Nik smirked " just like we planned love"

" wait you planned this... Together?" he asked

" no... Look its complicated it was during world war 1 I wanted stop all wars forever Nik had a different idea all together" I glared at him but he ignored it and I just wandered of to Ray to see how he was doing

" what makes you think they'll be loyal" Stefan asked him

" it's not so hard to be loyal when your on the winning team" he looked at both of us " thats something Stefan that you will learn when you get that hooorible depressive chip off your shoulder"

" Nik" I called but he didn't answer " Nik! Rays not doing so well"

" is that why your keeping me around to make sure my attitude is changed" Stefan asked.

Nik was observing Ray and he had blood coming down his eyes and the my memory came back to last night when I drew him at this precise moment.

" somethings wrong" Nik told us

" it's just like what I drew" I muttered but both of them heard when I was really staying it to myself.

" care to explain love" he asked

" last night I was drawing and then I heard voices and something in me drew a picture of Ray with blood coming out of his eyes" I told them and I saw Nik get fuming.

" that's not supposed to happen is it" Stefan said looking at Ray

" obviously" he snapped and the he glared at me " you knew this whole time you knew what was going to happen!!!!!" he shouted

" I'm sorry OK I didn't know what it me at for all I knew the ancestors were telling me wrong! " I shouted back

" you said it would feel better why doesn't it feel better" Ray tells him

" some master race" I told him

" lose the attitude" Nik glared at me

The girl woke up finally and Stefan went over to her

" Derek come feed your girlfriend" Nik asked and that's exactly what he did then Ray took off.

This bite was effecting him mentally and physically. Nik looked at us both

" go get him both of you" he ordered

" Nik he's unstable this bite is effecting him those voices that I heard said alit of people were going to die. Don't you see this isn't going to work!" I told him

" your wrong! Go find him!" he hissed and me and Stefan sped away to him. Stefan flipped him to the floor and grabbed a hold of him as did I and Ray bit him and omost bit me. Ray escaped and ran away and I looked at Stefan

" Stefan you got bit!" I looked at his arm and then he was listening intently I could tell.

" Stefan What? What's the matter?" I asked

" erm nothing don't wory its just this werewolf bite" he told me

" he um he got away forget about him let's go" Stefan got all stutter and scared in his voice then Nik grabbed his arm and look at the bite.

" fatal werewolf bite... Ouch" he smirked

" yeah I'm going to need your blood to heal me" Stefan said

" well I tell you what you find Ray then I'll heal you" Nik smirked " maya you'll be coming with me"

" thrilling" I simply said

Stefan just scoffed and raised his eyebrows " you can't be serious"

" I'd hurry because that bite looks nasty" Nik told him

He looked at me and I knew that was a signal to come along and I followed him along before I whispered to Stefan be careful. We came back and all of the hybrids were waking up and I saw Nik smile.

" what's that smile for" I asked as I sat down

" there will not be just me there will be others and I won't be alone ever again" he said

" maybe if you weren't an annoying dic maybe you wouldnt be alone" I told in all honesty and he just smiled

" if anybody ever called me that you know they would have there lungs pulled out of them" he said

" who else would put up with your whining " I smiled

" a lot of women would kill for me thank you" he told me and I giggled

" some women are stupid" I told him and he nudged me then I noticed that girl with short hair

" Nik!" I pointed at her and he sped over to her

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