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Emily POV

I wake up with Hanna curled up next to me she's so beautiful. I quickly get up and check the time. Its 6. I'm up almost an hour early. I guess I could make breakfast for the girls. I go downstairs and see a note from my mom.

Emily, I went to some interveiws around town. I'll see you after school. Love you. -Mom.

Crap I forgot about my interview. I better call the coffe shop.

“Hello.” “Yes this is Emily Fields I asked about a job.” “We don't have time for an interview this morning how about you come by after school?” “That sounds great thank you. bye.” I hang up the phone and check the pancakes and bacon. I better start the eggs now. I fix the plates and sit them at the table. I walk up stairs and Spencer and Aria are up. “I smell food. I'm starving.” Aria says laughing. “Yeah you guys go ahead and go down I'll wake up Hanna.” Spencer and Aria walk down stairs and I walk over to the bed and sit down by Hanna. “Han, wake up beautiful.” I see her eyes flutter open and she groans. “Why??” “Because we have an hour to eat and get dressed breakfast is down stairs. okay?” She gets up and we walk down stairs. “This is really good Em!” Aria Says. “Yeah it really is.” Spencer and Aria agree. We finish eating and we all go get ready. We get in my car and drive to school. Hanna holds my hand the whole way. We get out and everyone says goodbye. I get to the class and sit by someone named Mona. “Oh my gosh! You're Hanna's girlfriend right? You two are so cute!” She says smiling at me. “Uhm actually were not dating yet. I've only known her for like a couple days.” I say looking down. “Yeah but I know Hanna already really likes you! It could be one of those love at first sight things right?” She says grabbing my arm. I pull away. “I guess.” “Okay class everyone sit down.” I hate this class. I start to daze off. Thank god its Friday.

Hanna's POV

Its Gym. Spencers playing some game and Arias talking about what she has planned for there anniversary. “Aria do you think I should ask Emily to be my girlfriend? I mean I know its kind if early but I really like her. What do you think?” I say looking at her. “Ask her. I mean you guys really have something I think. So go for it. You could do it at the wedding tomorrow.” She turns looking at Spencer. “She looks so pretty.” She says. “Thats sounds like a good idea.” I say getting up. Im so going home. “Where are you going? We have like three classes left. You can't leave me!” She says grabbing me. “Im going home I'm hungry and I'm tired. But if you guys Wanta come.” I say gesturing for Spencer to come over so she does. “What?” “Im going home Aria is coming we wanted to know if you wanted to come?” I say grabbing my stuff. “I guess. How about we go see a movie or something instead? What about Em?” She says grabbing Aria's hand. “Yeah how about Tammy or 22 jump street? and I'll text her.” I say grabbing my phone.

To Emmy : Hey me, Aria, and Spencer are gonna go see a movie you wanna come?

From Emmy : Uh yeah sure I'll meet you guys outside.

“She gonna come let's go.” Aria and Spencer start grabbing there stuff and we walk out. I get in the car because some how I got voluntered to drive. We get to the movies buy the tickets and walk in. “You want some popcorn or something?” I turn and ask Emily. “Uh sure I'll get it.” She says smiling. “I got it.” I pay for it and we walk in the movies. About half way through the movie I need a refill. “You need more drink?” I Whisper to Em. “Yeah sure. I'll go with you.” We both get up. “Where are you to going?” Aria looks up at us. “Refills. Need one?” Emily says. “Yeah.” Aria gives us her and Spencers drinks. And we walk to the concession thing. We get the drinks and are walking back when some guy screams from behind us “You two girls wanta come back to our place? We can definitely give you a good time!” Emily puts her arm around my waist and pulls me into her. “Thanks assholes but me and my girlfriend can have plenty of fun without you guys, bye.”  Emily screams back and just keeps walking. “Girlfriend Huh?” I say laughing. “Oh I mean only if you Wanta. I don't wanta rush.” I hop in front of her and smile. “I would love to be your girlfriend.” I say and give her a peck on the cheek. and I grab her hand and walk back to the movie theatre. I'm Emily Fields girlfriend. When we get back there's only about ten minutes left. we sit there and the movie ends. We get up and head to my car. “Ill see you tomorrow at the wedding?” Emily says. “Ill be the one in red” I say laughing. Then she leans in. I feel our lips meet. I feel sparks like fireworks and butterflies in my stomach. We both pull away and Emily smiles “Ill see you tomorrow.” I say kissing her again. I didn't Wanta pull away but my would be pissed if I wasn't home. “Bye.” She says and goes to get car. I get in mine and drive home. “Finnaly you're home. You better go get a shower and go to bed. I love you. if youre hungry there's food.” “Okay mom I love you to.” I say giving her a hug. I walk up stairs and get in the shower. Dry my hair and put on my pajamas . I lay down and the last thing that runs thriugh my mind is Emily and I fall asleep.

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