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The ceremony passed quickly before we were ushered to the reception area that they had setup. Dad was sitting with Bella, Edward, Renee, Esme, and Carlisle, and I had been placed at a table with Seth, Sue, Billy, and Jake.

"Mind if I steal Allie?" Seth asked joining Jake and I on the dance floor as the song we had been dancing to came to a close.

"Go for it. I'm going to go check on Dad," Jake said before walking away.

"Wanna dance?" Seth asked.

"Sure," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck but keeping a good distance between us.

"So, I uh, I wanted to talk to you about something. I've already told Jake, so don't like freak out on me," Seth said.

"Seth, what's going on?" I asked.

"I used to have this massive crush on you. Like absolutely massive. I was so, so excited to hear that Mom and Charlie were spending more and more time together. Even though I didn't imprint on you, I still felt like I needed to be near you," he said. "I didn't understand then, and I still don't. I mean, I'm mostly over my crush and I'm so so happy that you are happy with Jake now. I seriously look at you like another sister. I just figured you deserved to know."

"Thank you Seth," I said, hugging him as the song ended. "And, for the record, you're the greatest little brother ever."

"You're one of the greatest big sisters ever too," he said.

We headed over to our table and Jake looked pissed. I instantly moved to stand behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" I asked, leaning down to ask lowly so the others wouldn't hear.

"I'll explain later. Wanna dance?" He asked.

"Sure," I said as a slow song came on. Jake grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers and led me to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him almost instinctively. I hummed along softly as he focused on calming down. He had his face buried in my hair to try and help himself calm down, but I could tell he was still struggling.

"I love you," I said, leaning back a little so I could look up at him.

"I love you too baby girl," he said. "More than you'll ever know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Just, that I love you a whole hell of a lot," he said.

"I love you too Jake," I said. "To the moon and back."

"Kwop Kilawathey," he said, leaning down to kiss me on the lips. I was slightly shocked by it at first, but I didn't care much afterwards.

"What's that mean?" I asked after he pulled away, scared of kissing for longer than a few nanoseconds in public.

"Hmm, oh, stay with me forever," he said. "It's the language of the Quileute people."

"Are you fluent?" I asked, referring to the language.

"Um, yeah, there's only a few of us," he said.

"It's amazing," I said, smiling at him. The fact that he was one of only a few people that spoke a dying language truly amazed me and made me love him even more, as if that were even possible.

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