1.5 Egg Bond

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Lang Yuan wandered around for days until he managed to found a road. He had been feeding himself with rabbit meat, and sometimes he would cook snakes and frogs. Whenever there's a lake, he would catch a fish or two and consume it happily while feeding the egg his blood. This thing continued to happen until his first problem appeared after his first arrival.

The egg is no longer large. It is larger now. The size of an ostrich egg has become the size of three human heads!

He could still carry the egg on his back but the egg is earning its weight. Rather than to have it on his arms, he would let the egg roll around to which the round object is happy to receive. The egg wanted his mother's touch always but little freedom for playtime like this is also good. The egg will randomly roll around him never taking a meter away from Lang Yuan.

While on their way tracing the path of the road they met some merchants. These merchants carried an average cart behind them, most of their belongings are cloths and dresses. Lang Yuan managed to wrap the huge egg on the silk and carried on his back like a bag pack. He also covered the top part with crops to pretend that he's also a travelling merchant like them.

The caravan stopped when they saw a man waving his hand to the front. This young man has a filthy appearance, clothes torn from here and there, the color is closer to a mud. His hair is sticking around, resembling that of a bird's nest. His face is unrecognizable, it is as if he hasn't taken a bath or a look from the mirror. The merchants are reluctant to stop if ever this person is a bandit.

But to their surprise, there's something more to this young man. And that is the 'little' bundle that he tried to hide on his back.

"Greetings," Lang Yuan managed to cup his hand while bowing properly.

The merchants looked at this young man. Now that they're closer, they can feel the warning aura of their young prince. It seems that the egg noticed their arrival beforehand and is now only settling quietly. The young man has still no idea what is happening and smiled at them.

"Mister, I would like to know where this road would lead. You see, I lost my belongings on the way when a group of bandits stole my things. With no map and horse to travel, I've been wandering around for some time."

Lang Yuan managed to tell these strangers his situation and well-being without revealing anything about himself. Actually, he practiced these lines for the longest of time. He can't have his anxiety to overwhelm him. He never started a conversation in his previous life before unless someone will initiate to do it. This is such an achievement for the past him.

While the young man is seriously asking them direction, the merchants can't help but to be nervous. After all, the family jade is unaware of their identity. Once the Emperor Dragon told them to look for the person who bonded with his unhatched egg all the forces are scattered around the human realm. Each of them are ordered to pretend as a human to avoid alarming the humans. They would often lie low, will pretend as a beggar or merchants.

It might be luck that they found the egg first. The first merchant who is facing Lang Yuan smiled. The young man breathe a sigh of relief when the merchant showed a friendly sight.

"This road will lead the Town of Qing. The other to the Town of Shan. It will take three days to travel to Shan. While you can reach Qing by tomorrow morning."

"Oh," Lang Yuan muttered knowingly. The merchant's caravan is going towards Shan. It would be good if he could ask them for a ride. But the egg...

"The Town of Qing... is there a way for me to earn money from there?" Yang Luan asked again.

The merchant looked at him. Aside from the fake crops that he placed to camouflage the egg, the boy has nothing visible to sell. And he's sure those crops are not needed by the town.

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