You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

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" Everywhere people stare, each and everyday.
I can see them laugh at me and I hear them say:
'Hey! You've got to hide your love away!' "


I woke up, my own limbs sprawled out all over John's body while his hands were entangled in my hair, per usual. That's probably the best way to wake up, next to someone, I think.

Quickly, I sat up off my pillow and woke up John, telling him we really should get ready. Like clockwork, he sighed and reluctantly sat up, as well.

Today was the first day back in school since Winter Break. Thinking about this caused quite a lot of anxiety to form in the pit of my stomach, but I have to fight it. After all I've been through, this is like a walk in the park. It's only been nine days since I've seen these people last.

As we walked down to the school, I looked up at the tall brick building and took in yet another a deep breath.

"Everythin' okay, Macca?" John asked, slowly reaching for my hand.

I pulled my hand away and turned to face John, "I'm fine. Jus... nervous is all." I looked both directions before leaning in to whisper to John, "I'd love to hold yer hand, Johnny, but there's way too many people around."

John rolled his eyes and smirked while readjusting his backpack, "C'mon." He motioned me to follow him inside.

"Ye seen Geo and Ringo today?" I asked as we walked down the crowded hallways.

"I haven't, actually. They weren't at the corner like they usually are before school." John shook his head.

"Ye think everythin's alright wi' 'em?" I asked with slight worry in my voice.

John smiled, "I'm sure they're fine, Macca, don't worry yerself."

"It's a bit strange to be here again... after all we've been through together, yeah?" I pointed out while staring down at the floor tiles.

"Yer right, almost like Hamburg didn't even happen." John said while opening up his locker. As he opened the metal door, a tiny note fell out of it and on to the floor.

"Now, that's odd." John said before he bent down to pick up the note.

John read the note and a frown began to form on his face. He crumpled up the note then threw it back into his locker.

"Christ, John, what was that all about?" I asked.

His face contorted as he looked over at me, "Stu's an idiot." Was all he said before slamming the locker door shut.

I reeled back and followed closely behind the boy. "John, what's that note say?" I asked.

"Nothin', Macca." John shook me off.

He walked to his desk hastily and I sat down in my own. George was behind me reading a book with his feet kicked up onto the back of my chair.

"Would ye get down?!" I asked, slapping his legs away. "Where the Hell were ye this mornin', anyroad?"

"Oh! Ringo and I walked here early, figured ye wouldn't mind, no?" George replied, setting the book down.

"Oh! Well, ...that's alright." I sat down slowly.

"George... I think Stu put a note in John's locker, and-" I told George until he cut me off.

"Stu? What the fuck is he up to these days?" George furrowed his brows.

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