Flash of White

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"Did she just say Malfoy Potter?"

"That is what she said."

Harry was suddenly getting flashbacks of the first time he used floo powder. The way he ended up in the wrong place because it seemed that what he said wasn't understood correctly.

"Oh this is great, I'm going to have a word with her." He huffed off before Harry could even interject.

As Malfoy went up to get the drinks and possibly reprimand the poor barista, Harry noted the sudden glances at them. It was only a very few that were looking at him and Draco with looks of complete shock.

Looks like we've got fellow wizards here.

He internally facepalmed. He just couldn't wait for the rumors to start spreading and The Prophet with false new content to add to the front page.

Harry pretended not to notice and looked away back to Malfoy, who was walking back towards him. He ran a hand through his already messy black hair.

Draco shoved the drink in Harry's hands."Honestly, she called me over dramatic. How dare she! I am not over dramatic! She even misspelled 'Malfoy'. How in Merlin do you misspell that? It's completely normal to get upset over this!"

Harry stifled the chuckle that threatened to escape his lips."It's also completely normal to mess up an order."

He noted that he blamed the barista instead of Harry himself. The Malfoy he knew in Hogwarts would have blamed Harry for anything over anyone, and yet here he didn't even note a single hint of blame towards Harry.

Draco began walking towards the exit."Whatever, I still think she's incompetent."

It was raining again, and very hard at that too. Harry noted the muggles walking about with their umbrellas, which meant he couldn't use any magic to make the raindrops bounce off his glasses.

Malfoy seemed to notice this too as he frowned."See, I didn't think we'd be here long, so I didn't bother with an umbrella. But now I have a ruined cashmere sweater and dripping wet hair. I blame you by the way."

"Look, where I live isn't that far. We can hide in a nearby alley and I can apparate us there. I'm sure you want to dry off before you head home."

Malfoy narrowed his eyes at Harry for a moment before rolling them and nodding."Fine, but make it quick, my hair is being ruined."

Why Harry didn't just return Draco's wand and let him apparate home, was simple. You couldn't apparate anywhere near Malfoy Manor, even with living there. It was actually a safety procedure Narcissa herself added ever since Lucius was sent away. Things weren't exactly safe for the Malfoys.

Harry huffed."You really are over dramatic." He handed Draco his magazine to use over his head as an umbrella while they made a very, rapid run to the nearest alley.

"Go out she said, it'll be good for you she said. If I don't get a cold from being drenched, then sure, it's going good." Draco didn't seem to have an off button when it came to complaining, Harry noted.

"Just grab on and try not to complain the entire way alright?" Harry murmured.

Draco very gingerly grabbed his wrist and Harry ignored the sudden chills on his body.

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