|Matt x reader| M Y L U L L A B Y [20k SPECIAL]

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Just a heads up, the Gaelic language is the song from Brave, "Noble Maiden Fair." I've put the link to the extended version for you to listen to with the writing. Hope you have a great day and if you like thunderstorms as much as I do, tell me what your favourite part about it is... But if you're terrified of them as my sister, you can also rant about how weird people like enjoy such frightening things!

Also, if you want to listen to the song from the start, it takes a minute for the intro to begin before the actual song. My reading pace is somewhat okay and I managed to read everything before matching the lyrics with the song. So don't worry people! You don't have to rush your reading to match the song!

Cheerio! <3


You watched the lightning flash outside in majestic fashion. Every time the sky would flash the dark blanket with streaks of lightning, your body shuddered with a thrilling chill. You laughed at the adrenaline. Watching the lightning storms would always be your favourite as a child and it was no different for you as an adult. However, Matt never liked the sound of lightning. He would remember the electric whips and hear the sounds of the slavers behind him. Even though it was years ago, he would still jerk and feel uncomfortable during thunderstorms.

This time, the storm was bad and you had to light the house with candles because the power cut out. You closed the curtains and looked behind you to see Matt curled up with a blanket on the edge of the couch. You had never experienced slavery but the thunderstorms would always show itself through Matt.

"Matt?" You called. Matt tilted his head to you, still leaning his head against his folded knees. You childishly mimicked his head titled and giggled. But Matt didn't smile back. You frowned at this. "Hey, do you want a cup of cocoa?" You asked. Matt shook his head and stared at the couch mindlessly. "What about a heat pack?" You offered. Matt shook his head again and leant against the arm of the couch.

You bit the inside of your cheek and looked around the dimly lit lounge room. Slavery was something that wasn't on your able-to-cure list. A tune suddenly began to hum itself in your mind. There wasn't a fireplace but the candles would do. You began to hum the tune and slowly walked over to your timid boyfriend.

"A maoidheam bhig cluimm mo ghuth mise ri d'thaobh o maighdeam bhan, ar ribhimm og fas as faic do thir delieas fheim." Matt perked his ears at the tune as you slowly set yourself down on the couch in front of him. "A ghriam a's a ghealach stiur simm gu uair ar cluis ar gloire maoidheam bhig ar ribhimm og maighdeam uasal bahm." You cuddled Matt and held his limp head closer to your chest and slowly rocked him to peace as the storm continued to roar outside. His body shuddered at every crack of thunder and the flash of light would make this eyes shut even harder than before. You held his tighter and started to sing again."A maoidheam bhig cluimm mo ghuth mise ri d'thaobh o maighdeam bhan, ar ribhimm og fas as faic do thir delieas fheim. A ghriam a's a ghealach stiur simm gu uair ar cluis ar gloire maoidheam bhig ar ribhimm og maighdeam uasal bahm."

Matt slowly began to relax in your firm hold, even holding onto you as he began to rest against your body. You smiled and held onto him just as tight as you started to feel drowsy.

"(y/n)?" Matt whispered. You split your eyes open at his voice.

"Yeah?" You answered.

"Thanks for the lullaby." Matt tilted his head up and gave you a comforting smile. You smiled back and placed a tender kiss on his forehead.

"You're welcome Matt, I love you," you whispered.

"I love you too," he replied.


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