필러 장

120 15 4

Filler chapter

I'm supposed to be a role model, yet, how come I'm still like this?

I'm trying my best to keep my thoughts at bay though everytime I do it feels like it's just growing bigger every second

I want to hug him, kiss him, show him all his beautiful traits

But at the same time I just want to see his lips curl into a scream, his blood on my hands, his voice cracking from pain. I wanna break him, every single part

Jungkook, please stay away from me, avoid me at all costs.

h $ɨℓℓ¥ ʍ, ɨ ţąЌ€ ţhąţ ąℓ βąȼЌ, ώh๏๏ρ$

come to hyung instead

hyung will protect you
hyung will be by your side all the time
not like that bitch of a father you had.

I'll be there when you sleep, when you cry, when you're at school. I'll be everywhere, so don't even try running away

Hyung will take good care of you afterall

Hyung will take good care of you afterall

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