Chapter 57 - Run Off

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"Mr.Beckford sir," croaked the receptionist behind her large oval glasses.

"I said I was busy Marie," responded the voice through the phone speaker intercom.

"I know sir, but there's a detective here who's asking to speak with you."

There was a long silence and Marie merely stared back at Victor blankly.

"Put him on," responded the rough voice.

Marie handed the phone to Victor.

"'Evening Mr.Beckford," spoke Victor, his confidence breaking through to the other line.

"I told you not to come back-"

"Unless I had a warrant," Victor interrupted, "So here I am sir,"

The silence over the other line was deafening.

"I'm busy." Blurted the angry man.

"5 minutes. Tops."

Another long silence as Mr.Beckford struggled with allowing the detective entry.

"Marie," he responded and Victor handed back the phone to the receptionisit.

She nodded as she held the phone and then hung up, before returning her bored eyes to Victor and gave him directions to the elevator and floor number.

"Mr.Beckford says he has a meeting in 15 minutes so please make it brief,"

"Will do ma'am," Victor passed her and entered into the large luxurious looking elevator.

As he stepped out into the hallway of the floor to Mr.Beckfords office he couldn't help but notice all the security guards patrolling the halls.

Finally he arrived to two large doors, before he had time to knock the doors swung open, revealing a man sitting further into the room behind a large desk, reading glassed pushed up to his nose.

"Sit." ordered Mr.Beckford.

Victor briskly walked into the room and took a seat in front of him.

The 55 year old CEO pointed his finger at him, "You got 5 minutes starting now,"

Victor chuckled, "Thank you for your time sir, I came today in the hopes that you will identify this item,"he said as he pulled out an evidence bag and handed it over to Mr.Beckford, watching his expression closely with narrowed eyes.

As the older man held the small bag with the tiny silver cross, Victor noticed how ever so slightly the lower lid of his left eye twitched. He held the small evidence bag with both hands, carefully looking over it and flipping it under and around glancing at the edges.

After a short time, Mr. Beckford closed his eyes and removed his reading glasses to look back at the detective.

"What's this about?" He asked seriously.

"Your son. I want to know if that belonged to him."

Mr. Beckford tilted his head, "What difference does it make if it belongs to him or not?"

"To be quite honest sir, if that piece of jewelry belonged to him then its quite possible he may be an accessory to a recent murder," Victor said bluntly, however the words did not shock the CEO. He barely even blinked at the notion, instead he stood up from his desk slowly and turned to the large floor to ceiling windows behind his desk, giving Victor his back as he gazed outside.

"You're referring to Juliet Alexander?" he questioned the detective.

Victor also stood up from the comfortable leather chair. "You knew the girl?"

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