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A/n: ok why does this book have more than two reads I'm a little disgusted and my palate is undelighted but the show must go on so your bitchacho is back

You woke up to your alarm. Today was you first date with Farquaadypoo. You looked at the time, 4:20 pm. Your date was in an hour!! You quickly got dressed into this:

 Your date was in an hour!! You quickly got dressed into this:

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When you arrived, Farquaad said,

"Wow you look so hexy sexy"

"Thanks 🔫😎🤠" you reply, twirling your hair.

He then leans in and gropes your shoulder.

You gasp, and lean into him. He then kicks you in the nuts and seductively whispers, "cute outfit baby cakes"


Lord Farquaad X Reader ;))))))))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora