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Caleb's POV.

I'm sitting at the table and Jade pushes a wrapped up box towards me. The box was the size of watch case.

I unwrap the paper and I open the box. My breathing starts to get heavy and my eyes go wide.

"Um is this real?"

She doesn't say a word. Instead she pushes two more same size boxes towards me. I open the other two boxes.

I'm sitting at the table looking at three pregnancy tests all with little plus signs.

"Happy birthday daddy."

I look up at Jade's face and she has tears rolling down her face. I get up from my chair and walk over to her side. I grab her arm and pick her up hugging her tightly.

"Before anything else though baby we need to get you to a doctor."

"I know. I have an appointment at 1:00 pm."


"Yeah it's that a problem?"

"Derek and I were suppose to be checking on a few things today."

"Derek already knows."

"Of course he does. He probably knew before you did."

I giggle.

"You know I had to tell someone. I just didn't tell him the results. Before he left this morning he told me I have you all to myself."

"Happy birthday to me indeed. How late are you?"

"A month but I'm not having weird symptoms line last time."

"Different pregnancies different symptoms baby. I'll clean up the kitchen then will get ready to go. Ok?"


After I clean up the dishes I go upstairs to take a shower. I've got a million thoughts running through my head but my main one is to make sure the baby is ok this time.

"I'm wearing you clothes Caleb. I wanna be comfy."

"Wear whatever you feel comfortable in baby."

I walk up to her and kiss her forehead.

"Jade are you ok?"

"Yes I'm just-"

"Worried? Me too."

I wrap my arms around her bringing her close.

"No matter what happens later at the doctor appointment. I'm here for you."

"I know you are Caleb."

"Are you ready?"


We drive to the doctor and sit in the lobby. I'm not one that frequents gynecologist offices and I technically am a doctor. But I really don't wanna hear the things said in the waiting room.

"Caleb are you ok?"

"Um just some things I'm hearing I don't need to know about."

She starts laughing


"Let's go baby."

I help her up from her chair and the other women are giving me an aw look. We get taken back to a room.

"So what are we here for today?"

"I took three home pregnancy tests yesterday and they were all positive."

"So just a pregnancy test then?"

"Actually my wife had an ectopic pregnancy before. We also want to make sure the baby is where it's suppose to be."

"No problem. Will do a pregnancy test first. If it comes back positive will do an ultrasound."

The nurse hands Jade a cup.

"Why are these things so small?"

I laugh.

Jade comes back into the room handing the nurse her cup.

"Be back in a few minutes."

"Did you pee on your fingers."

"Yeah I did and I didn't wash my hands."

She says while rubbing her hand all over my face.

(Knock Knock)

"Come in."

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Alexander. I'm Dr. Jenkins and congratulations you're pregnant.

Let's get you an ultrasound. Just hop up her and lift your shirt."

I stand up next to the exam table holding her hands.

"Ok here is your baby. Right where it's suppose to be. Looks like you're about 7 weeks pregnant. And this is your baby's heartbeat."

Holy shit. That's all I can think of. Holy shit!

My eyes started watering. I looked down at Jade she was crying. I grabbed her face and kissed her.

"Here is a print of your ultrasound and a DVD of the heart beat."

"Thank you so much Dr. Jenkins."

"I'll be seeing you in month. Take your time."

The doctor walks out of the room.

"Let's get the two of you home."

She has the biggest smile on her face. Which just made me smile.

"I'm hungry."

"It starts."

Oh no she has a look on her face like she wants to kill me.

"Anything you want baby I'll buy it."

"After that comment you most certainly are."

I'm gonna be in so much trouble the next 7 months.

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