Ch.3 A Night of Regrets

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He looks so hot. I just want to rap my hands around him and grab him in his large…

I seriously need to stop thinking like this.

I got my thoughts on track and thought of a person to choose.

"Alyssa. Truth or dare" Alyssa was one of the freshmen I met earlier today. She's a blonde girl with green eyes. She's wearing skim blue jeans and a green T-shirt that says King Kangaroo with a picture of a kangaroo with a crown at the center. She is pretty but is kinda a creeper.

"Truth" Mwhahahaha

"Who is the hottest person in the room?"

"Ben obviously" Hahahahaha. The look on Ben's face was hilarious. He looked confused and embarrassed at the same time.

"Raven. Truth or dare"


"I dare you too take off your shirt for the rest of the game" Alyssa said without hesitation

"Alyssa, you're a rapist."

"Less talky more shirt offy"

Raven took off his shirt to reveal a slim stomach where you can see the outline of abs but they aren't actually there.

Alyssa whistled and Raven muttered "Perve"

"Steve. Truth or dare?" and the game went on and on with some crazy ass dares and some personal truths.

Then my mystery enemy said something.

"Maybe we should play spin the bottle. That would be much more fun" He said with a slurred voice swaying back and forth because he was dared to take three shots of strong vodka.

"Sure" I said being half way drunk. I don't think he even recognizes it's me and that he's in my house.

I picked one of the empty beer bottles that someone carelessly threw in the floor and put it in the middle.

"Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" Alyssa practically screamed and spun the bottle gleefully.

After a while the bottle landed on Raven and by the looks of it Alyssa was hoping it would.

"How did you rig a bottle?" Raven asked fearfully

"I'm a math nerd silly. I could have made it land on anyone I want with the right amount of force."

Alyssa grabbed Raven's arm and practically dragged him to my closet. I could have sworn he mouthed help on the way.

After a good five minutes Alyssa and Raven came out with messy hair, clothes wrinkled, and panting heavily.

Alyssa seemed extremely satisfied and Raven's face was blank and hard to read.

"I guess somebody had fun." I said and wiggled my eyebrows.

"You have no idea" Alyssa said with the said large smile she had on when she left the closet.

"I guess I'll give it a spin and fine out" On the back of my mind the idea popped up that it would be my hot enemy I might have to kiss.

I was drunk enough to think that was a good thing and I didn't talk myself out of it.

I gave the bottle a strong spin and it swirled for a while.

That bottle could land on anyone in the room and I'd have to kiss that person.

Maybe this is a bad idea, my conscious said faintly.

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