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(A/N: Even though I know that Tian Wu was a terrible dickhead in the original plot I still can't stop feeling sorry for him (ಥ﹏ಥ) I wish that he could change and get a happy ending! ...Well we never know!)

Tian Wu looked at the hand grasping his robe and his body started to flush in embarrassment and shyness. His face all the way to his ears and his neck turned light pink. It was obvious to everyone that even glanced at him, but the prince before him was too distracted to see what was literally right in front of him. The maidservants and eunuchs weren't allowed into Song Huang's private quarters so they couldn't see Tian Wu's reaction, however it would be nothing new. They had so frequently witnessed Tian Wu's shy gazes and hidden longing whenever he peeked at him. Though homosexuality was for the most part scorned in the country, the desperation and cluelessness that surrounded these two made everyone feel pity. Tian Wu was often the subject of many sympathetic glances. Regardless of who Tian Wu loved it was their first time seeing someone (Song Huang) so blind towards someone he had grown up with.

Song Huang continued ranting while his hand didn't release Tian Wu's robe. Tian Wu covered Song Huang's hand with his own and squeezed it with comfort and solidarity. Song Huang realized that he had been gripping Tian Wu and immediately snatched his hand back as if he was scalded. Tian Wu disguised his bitterness and smiled as though nothing occurred. Recognizing that Song Huang wanted to feel superior and authoritative he changed the way he was about to address his supposed childhood friend. "Your Highness, don't worry we shall think of something soon. Rest assured you are the most qualified for the throne." Tian Wu had repeated this so many times that it came automatically as if reading off a script. As always Song Huang looked mollified but he remained tense. "You have said you will come up with something so many times. Imperial Father has sent Feixiang to the border as the general! The people will all recognize his authority and deeds! Where will that leave me? Why can't Imperial Father see that I am more qualified?" Tian Wu shook his head internally. Because you aren't more qualified. You are like a child, easily influenced. Do you know how many times I have had to secretly protect you from schemes and people with bad intentions? You don't even realize that your own mother is using you. However Tian Wu instead replied, "You are indeed more qualified, you are a hidden gem and people haven't recognized your true worth yet."

While Song Huang was being pacified, Tian Yi, Feixiang and the army had been marching for half a day. They called for a temporary halt outside of a slightly less prosperous city compared to the capital. It would take an average individual around 2 days and a half by carriage to reach the capital from the city, so the army had made pretty good time. They estimated that they would reach the border on the 4th day, though it was a bit slower than they hoped for. The army set up camp 150 miles away from the city, they wanted to keep a slight distance away from the common citizens. Feixiang and Tian Yi knew that to keep up morale they had to let these soldiers enjoy themselves a little bit before reaching the frontlines so they set up a schedule for soldiers to spend time in the city in rotation. As a troupe headed to the city, the rest would stay back and stand guard until everyone had their turn. Each troupe wouldn't get much time in the city but a little was better than nothing.

Feixiang and Tian Yi joined the last troupe heading to the city, leaving Feixiang's second in command in charge. When Feixiang and Tian Yi rode into the city it was slightly after noon. People were walking around the busy market stalls that sold everything from ornaments to sticky candy and foods. Tian Yi had never seen such a spectacle and his eyes were wide open trying to take everything in at once. Feixiang chuckled at Tian Yi's appearance and decided to take him for a stroll through the market. They left their horses at a trusted outpost that specifically cared for army horses. Feixiang and Tian Yi walked through the entire market occasionally buying a few snacks to eat when they got hungry. They walked a theatrical performance for avidly interested children, but too soon it was time to return. As they walked back towards the outpost a carriage cut through the road, pushing everyone to make way. One of the carriage passenger's servants took the lead and yelled for everyone to get out of the way. He pushed aside a few stragglers that were too slow in moving. Feixiang was full of dissatisfaction but before he could take action he heard another soldier in the crowd urgently call for him. He grabbed Tian Yi and loped by the carriage's window.

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