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we sat on the couch for a few hours. i was slouched on one side staring at the tv with no emotion and toby sat perky and on his phone the whole time.

"so!" he said making me jump a bit, "tell me a bit about your self mrs milo! IF that is your name!"

i stares at him with a goofy smile spread across my face. i straightened up on the cough and moved to face him. "well mr toby! i'm 19 years old. my birthday is november 18th. i'm a scorpio, my full name is Miley Lullaby Sins. i've lived here all my life and never been outside new Zealand, yes sad i know." 

"YOUR NAME ISNT MILO?!?" he said give a very overreacted reaction. "so you've never been outside of new zealand? hmmm..."

"what?" i said leaning off the cough.

"oh nothing."

"i hate you." we both laughed. "hey i really have to go soon but i don't want to stop hanging out..." i said standing up.

"okay then let's go.." he said getting up with me. grabbing his keys off the table next to him.


"let's go, i'm going with you!" he says with no hesitation, making me laugh.

we hurry and gather my stuff and head out to his car.

Fitz POV

milo and toby had just left the call. All the boys stayed, hoping to record.

"she sounded hot!" mason said, breaking the silence.

"shut up mason."

"swagger you're just jellyyyyyyyyy!!" mason started to yell by the end.

"whatever i'm leaving." swagger grunted. you could hear his angered clicking in the back.

"woah woah woah, swagger no why?" i spoke. what was happening, he's being so sensitive. before milo joined the call he was fine... hmm, maybe the weed is just getting to him or something.

"i'm tired."  swagger lies.

"okay we know that's not true..." i say.

"what does it matter?!?" he snapped. 

"okay dude maybe you should get some sleep." jay said softly, trying not to butt in.

"whatever, goodnight." swagger quickly left the call, and left us in a moment of silence.

"uhh well..." mason started.

"we'll check on him tomorrow." i said.

milos POV

it was 11:30 when we finally got to my house. when we walked inside all the girls were on the couch watching movies.

"hi milo."

"hi girrrlllllll!!"

"hi dudes." i say stepping in a bit.

"did y'all do it?" hannah asked.

"HANNAH!" i say moving to where toby could step in.

"we sadly didn't.." he says smirking, looking at me for a reaction.

"TOBY!" everyone bursts into laughter as my cheeks grow red.

i hurry up the stairs, getting out of the conversation, with toby slowly following. after me ugly sprinting up the stairs and then awkwardly standing there waiting for toby to join me, we made it to my room.

"wow, cute room... nice setup ..." toby said staring around like a kid in a candy store. he sat down at my desk, holding 3 monitors a nice keyboard that was so expensive and oh my lord the mouse too god. after a minute toby looks up at me and smiles, "so can i stay the night?"

"finnneeeee..." i say rolling my eyes, "but you have to leave the room cause i have to change." i say trialing off towards my closet, i turn to toby who's still standing there and shoo my hands at him.

after the door clicks i grab a cute set of pjs, they were dark blue with a silk fabric. i slip out of my dress and quickly pull on my shorts and shirt, feeling so good to finally not be in that skin tight dress. buttoning the last buttons i head to the door and open it allowing him back in.

"thank you good sir!" he says giggling at me.

"you're welcome ma lady!" i say tipping my non existent hat, "so you wanna uhh watch movies and cuddle?"

"i would love that.." he says following behind me as i lay down grabbing the remote and laying into the covers.  toby lays down next to me wrapping his arms around my waist as i put on hercules, my favorite movie. i put the remote down and cuddled into him. it wasn't long until i drifted off into his arms..


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