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This was so not good. How could Spencer know about Jonas and I?

I chew on my fingernails as I pace back and forth in my room. I couldn't sit still. I had texted Jonas a few minutes after Spencer told me he knew. I really needed to talk to him. He hadn't texted me back yet and I was getting anxious. Suddenly there's a knock on my bedroom door. Intense up thinking it's Spencer, I didn't want to deal with him again. I hid out in my room once he told me a few hours ago. I couldn't talk to him. He looked so.. disappointed, when he told me. I hated the thought of him being disappointed in me.

I hesitantly open the door and release my breath seeing Jonas standing there. I grab his arm and pull him into my room, shitting the door behind us before he could even speak.

"What the hell?"

"I'm sorry but I don't want us to be seen together"

His face contorts into pain and sadness.

"I didn't mean it like that Jonas, it's just that Spencer knows about us and he's pissed."

Jonas' eyes widen and his jaw drops.

"I didn't know that he knew about the whole situation but now that he does we have to stop, he was furious when he told me. And how the hell did he even find out!?"

Jonas rubs the back of his neck and looks down to the ground nervously.

"I may have told him the other night when I was drunk."

"You what!"

"I'm sorry! I was wasted and I couldn't get you out of my head. But I only told him about the kiss at the Halloween party and that's it."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god. This is not good Jonas, this is really not good." I say as I start pacing back and forth again.

"Hey calm down lulu" he says grabbing my arms and forcing me to face him.

I stare into his intense chocolate eyes and see the emotion. He was worried too but he didn't want to show it.

"What's gonna happen now? Is he gonna kick me out? And what about you? You guys have been friends for forever, I don't want this to ruin your friendship. Oh god this is a disaster"

"Lulu relax. It'll all work out I promise. He won't kick you out if you're leaving in three weeks and as for me-"

"I'm not leaving in three weeks Jonas that's the issue!"

He raises a eyebrow and stares at me quizzically.

"My parents told me that I was staying here and finishing up my senior year in school. Spencer's enrolling me on Monday."

A smile comes across his face, and his eyes light up.

"That's great news."

Why was this good news? My brother hated his best friend and was pissed at me. I didn't see the good here.

"That means I get to see you everyday, and I get to pull you close and hug you and kiss those beauties of yours."

He was talking about my lips right? He had better be talking about my lips. No wait that didn't matter. This was serious.

"This is serious Jonas!" I snap at him

"I know. I'm just saying, maybe Spencer knowing isn't such a bad idea. I mean if we talked to him he'd be on our side. He never did like Vikki."

That was actually a good idea. Talking to Spencer would straighten things out and get our side of the story out. Plus I hated keeping secrets from my brother, but at the same time he was always protective of me and he'd kill Jonas if we were to have some sort of relationship.

No Lacey no relationships he's engaged!

I groan and put my head in my hands. Why was this so difficult. Jonas chuckles and places his thumb under my chin moving my head up to face him.

"It'll be okay I promise lulu. Stop worrying"

"I can't Jonas. I'm scared of what he'll think. I mean I've always looked up to him, I don't want him to be mad at me or disappointed in me."

I pause.

"He probably thinks I'm a whore" I say in a whisper hanging my head.

"Hey look at me" Jonas says with a soft yet soothing voice.

I lift my head slightly so I can look at him.

"First of all if he thinks that about you then he isn't a very good brother. Second why would he be disappointed in you? You're amazing and super talented. Everything you do you always give 110% and put so much love and passion into everything. And third, if he doesn't want you to be happy then that's on him, because let me tell you something Lacey, you deserve all the happiness in the world"

My heart felt full at all the love he was showing me, he was there for me, he was comforting me. I press my lips to his is a sweet kiss.

"Thank you Jonas. You always know what to say"

He smirks at me.

"What am I for if not to make you smile?"

I smile at him

"I love your smile lulu, it always brightens up the room and brightens up my world. Seeing you smile and happy makes me feel so good. I promise I'll do everything I can to keep that smile on your face"

He kisses my forehead and wraps his arms around me. I nuzzle into his chest as he places his chin on top of my head, and begins stroking my hair. I felt so comfortable in his arms and I never wanted to leave them. But there's another knock on my bedroom door. I jump at the sound and slowly peel myself away from his warmth.

"Everything will be fine" he says in a whisper never taking his eyes off of me.

I nod at him and make my way to the door. The nerves were pooling in my stomach and my palms were sweating. I swallow the giant lump that formed in my throat and let out a deep breath before opening the door.

My brother stands on the other side of the door with a scowl on his face.

He had his arms crossed over his chest and he looked so pissed off I was actually scared of him, the look he had in his eyes. It was terrifying thinking of what he could do.

Spencer steps in to my room and stops in his tracks when he sees Jonas by my bed. I slowly shut the door as Spencer glares daggers into him. Jonas was feeling uneasy. I could tell by the way he shifted his weight and shoved his hands in his jeans pockets all while refusing to look at Spencer.

"It's good you're here because I need to talk to you. Both of you"

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